Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 401 - 444
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Connecticut)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), Connecticut, 1989 (in Macintosh Excel Format) (for Microcomputers). 1989
Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), Connecticut, 1991 and 1992 (in dBase III Plus) (for Microcomputers). 1992
Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), Connecticut, 1991 and 1992 (in Lotus 1-2-3) (for Microcomputers). 1992
Toxic Release Inventory information packet. 1993
Transition zones of forested inland wetlands in northeastern Connecticut 1978
Transport of Oxidant Beyond Urban Areas. Light Hydrocarbon and Oxidant Data, New England Study, 1975. 1978
Uranium in US Surface, Ground, and Domestic Waters. Volume 2. 1981
Urbanization, water pollution, and public policy 1972
Use of bioenergetics to investigate the impact of dredged material on benthic species : a laboratory study with polychaetes and Black Rock Harbor material / 1985
Use of discrete-zone monitoring systems for hydraulic characterization of a fractured-rock aquifer at the University of Connecticut Landfill, Storrs, Connecticut, 1999 to 2002 2005
Utility of the scope for growth index to assess the physiological impact of Black Rock Harbor suspended sediment on the blue mussel, 'Mytilus Edulis' : a laboratory evaluation / 1985
Vehicle emissions control program in Connecticut 1986
VOC emissions reduction study for oxidant attainment in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut / 1979
Waste minimization audit 1990
Waste Water Disposal Practices at Federal Installations as of December 31, 1960. Volume 7. Connecticut. 1962
Water chemistry and fertility of twenty-three Connecticut lakes 1975
Water Pollution Surveillance System. Volume l. Northeast Basin. 1963
Water problems in the Springfield-Holyoke area, Massachusetts / 1963
Water quality impact evaluations on flood protection measures for the Connecticut River supplemental study. 1975
Water quality in the Connecticut, Housatonic, and Thames River Basins, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, and Vermont, 1992-95 1998
Water Quality Modeling and Sampling Study in a Distribution System. 1990
Water quality reconnaissance for the Connecticut River supplemental study / 1975
Water quality standards : 1991 revisions / 1991
Water Research at the University of Connecticut. 1972
Water Resources Data for Connecticut, Water Year 1971. Part 1, Surface Water Records. Part 2, Water Quality Records. Part 3, Ground Water Records. 1972
Water Resources Data for Connecticut, Water Year 1972. Part 1, Surface Water Records. Part 2, Water Quality Records. Part 3, Ground Water Records. 1973
Water Resources Data for Connecticut, Water Year 1973. Part 1, Surface Water Records. Part 2, Water Quality Records. Part 3, Ground Water Records. 1974
Water Resources Data for Connecticut, Water Year 1974. Part 1, Surface Water Records. Part 2, Water Quality Records. Part 3, Ground Water Records. 1974
Water resources inventory of Connecticut. Part 2, Shetucket River Basin / 1967
Water resources inventory of Connecticut. Part 3, Lower Thames and southeastern coastal river basins / 1968
Water resources of the Hartford-New Britain area, Connecticut / 1964
Water resources of the Waterbury-Bristol area, Connecticut / 1965
Water Resources Research Activities and Interests at the University of Connecticut. 1970
Water Supply and Water Quality Control Study, Pequonnock River Basin, Connecticut. 1965
Wetland creation and restoration : EPA's (Environmental Protection Agency's) research program and investigation of an extensive sampling approach to comparing created and natural wetlands. 1989
Wetland mitigation : executive summary / 1994
Wetland mitigation : technical summary. vol. 5 of 7 / 1994
Wetland mitigation mycorrhizal associations in some Connecticut wetland plants 1994
Wetland mitigation wetland mitigation and water quality associated with the Central Connecticut Expressway ; 1994
Wetland mitigation. appendix I Lists of names of vascular plants in Connecticut with selected synonyms and notes. 1994
Whyco Chromium company pollution prevention training : a ConnTAP project / 1995
Without reservation : the making of America's most powerful Indian tribe and the world's largest casino / 2000
Written statements concerning tidal waters of Connecticut and Rhode Island. 1968
Yale law & policy review. 1982
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