Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Major sources of ground-water contamination in Connecticut 1979
Man's impact on the eutrophication of a lotic system / 1973
Manpower Analysis: Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facilities in New England. 1972
Measurement of Sediment Resuspension Rates in Long Island Sound. 1991
Methodology for analysis of subaqueous sediment mounds / 1990
Methodology for Assessing Environmental Impact of Water Resources Development. 1973
Methods for mesoscale modeling for materials damage assessment : user's guide / 1986
Methods used to estimate air pollutant emissions 1974, 1980, 1985, and 2000 : New Jersey - New York - Connecticut Air Quality Control Region. / 1977
Mid Connecticut-Lower Pioneer Valley Air Pollutant Emission Inventory. 1970
Mineral deposits and occurrences in Connecticut, exclusive of clay, sand and gravel, and peat / 1957
Model state idling law workshop : Hartford, Connecticut : meeting summary / 2005
Monitoring at the New London Disposal Site, 1992-1998 2001
Monitoring cruise at the Cornfield Shoals Disposal Site, August 1992 / 1996
Monitoring cruise at the New London disposal site, 1992-1998 : Volume II, Seawolf Mound / 2001
Monitoring cruise at the New London Disposal Site, June - July 1990 1995
Monitoring groundwater quality : illustrative examples / 1976
Monitoring surveys of the New Haven capping project, 1993-1994 / 1996
Movement of nitrates, phosphates, and fecal coliform bacteria from disposal systems installed in selected Connecticut soils 1983
Multiple primary cancers in Connecticut and Denmark / 1985
Mumford Cove shellfish survey, Groton, Connecticut / 1981
Municipal waste survey : Gilman, Vermont and Connecticut River. 1971
Municipal Water Facilities Inventory as of January 1, 1958. Volume 1. Region I - Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont. A Cooperative State - Federal Report. 1958
Municipal Water Facilities Inventory as of January 1, 1958. Volume I. Region I - Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont. 1958
National air quality and emissions trends report, 1976 / 1977
National Environmental/Energy Workforce Assessment, National Summary. Volume One: Alabama-Indiana. 1977
National Environmental/Energy Workforce Assessment. Connecticut. 1977
National Estuarine Pollution Study. Proceedings of the Public Meeting Held at Hartford, Connecticut on August 19, 1968. 1968
National Incinerator Testing and Evaluation Program : the environmental characterization of refuse-derived fuel (RDF) combustion technology : Mid-Connecticut facility, Hartford, Connecticut / 1994
National Incinerator Testing and Evaluation Program : the environmental characterization of refuse-derived fuel (RDF) combustion technology : Mid-Connecticut facility, Hartford, Connecticut. 1992
National list of plant species that occur in wetlands : 1988 Connecticut / 1988
National priorities list sites : Connecticut. 1991
National priorities list sites : Connecticut. 1992
National priorities list sites, Connecticut. 1990
New England Drainage Basins: A Cooperative State-Federal Report on Water Pollution. 1951
New Haven Harbor : shellfish resource and water quality. 1970
New York, New Jersey, Connecticut regional study 1980
No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP) Sites on CERCLIS for Region 1: Maine, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont. 1995
Nuclear waste : Connecticut's first site selection process for a disposal facility : report to Congressional requesters / 1993
Nutrient sources and loads in the Connecticut, Housatonic, and Thames River basins 2000
Nutrient-algal relationships in Lake Lillinonah, Danbury, Connecticut, June-September 1975. 1975
Nutrient-Algal Relationships in Lake Lillinonah, Danbury, Connecticut, June-September, 1975. 1975
Observations of physical oceanographic conditions at the New London Disposal Site, 1997-1998 / 2001
Occurrence of 'Giardia' in Connecticut Water Supplies and Watershed Animals. 1985
Occurrence of Giardia in Connecticut water supplies and watershed animals / 1985
Off-gas analysis results and fine pore retrofit case history for Hartford, Connecticut 1994
Off-gas analysis results and fine pore retrofit information for Glastonbury, Connecticut 1994
Oil Spill, Long Island Sound, March 21, 1972, Environmental Effects. 1973
On-site waste ink recycling : technology evaluation report / 1993
Optimum Utilization and Management of Water Bearing Formations Hydraulically-Connected to a Stretch of the Connecticut River. 1970
Organochlorine compounds in fish tissue from the Connecticut, Housatonic, and Thames River basins study unit, 1992-94 1998
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