Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Coastal zone management)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Blue Carbon Primer : The State of Coastal Wetland Carbon Science, Practice and Policy / 2019
A blue carbon primer : the state of coastal wetland carbon science, practice and policy / 2019
A citizen's guide to the California Coastal Act of 1976. 1977
A Coast in common : an introduction to the Eastern African Action Plan. 1989
A Coastal zone management atlas of American Samoa / 1981
A hydrological, chemical, and biological assessment of Bayou aux Carpes, New Orleans, Louisiana / 1985
A Needs analysis seminar in coastal zone management : held at the University of West Florida, Pensacola, Florida, January 16, 1976 / 1976
A plan for Michigan's shorelands. 1973
A plan for the Narrow River watershed / 1976
A Review of the Florida Keys carrying capacity study / 2002
A summary of knowledge of the Southern California coastal zone and offshore areas / 1974
Accommodating tensions in the coastal zone 25th anniversary year. 1985
Act to Establish a National Policy and Develop a National Program for the Management, Beneficial Use, Protection and Development of the Land and Water Resources of the Nation's Coastal Zones, and for Other Puposes : Public Law 92-583. 1972
Against the tide : the battle for America's beaches / 1999
Agency Review Draft environmental impact statement on the special area management plan for the Hackensack Meadowlands District, New Jersey / Executive Summary 1995
Alaska Coastal Management Program : enforceable policies & standards / 1994
Alaska Coastal Management Program : handbook of statutes & regulations / 2000
Alaska Coastal Management Program handbook / compiled by : State of Alaska, Office of the Governor, Division of Governmental Coordination. 1994
Alternative access management strategies for marine and coastal protected areas : a reference manual for their development and assessment / 2000
Ambient Ammonia Measurements in Coastal Southeastern Virginia. 1981
Ambient water and sediment quality of Galveston Bay : present status and historical trends / 1992
Ambient Water and Sediment Quality of Galveston Bay: Present Status and Historical Trends. Volume II. Extended Technical Report. 1992
America's coasts in the 80's policies & issues / 1981
America's living oceans : charting a course for sea change : a report to the nation : recommendations for a new ocean policy / 2003
America's wetland : Louisiana's vanishing coast / 2005
An analysis of estuarine degradations within the Pensacola Bay system and their relationship to land management practices / 1986
An assessment of the current status of living resources, wetland areas and critical habitat in the Pawcatuck River estuary and Little Narragansett Bay / 1991
An introduction to coastal zone management / 2002
Analysis and planning for integrated coastal management {electronic resource}. 1995
Annotated bibliographies on shoreline hardening effects, vegetative erosion control, and beach nourishment 1994
Announcement of Grant Availability State Wetlands Protection Development Grants. Wetlands Program FY 92 Grant Guidance. 1995
Annual technical report NSF/RANN grant G.I. 38973, 1973-1974 1975
Anticipatory planning for sea-level rise along the coast of Maine / 1995
Appendices : evaluation of erosion hazards / 2000
Application for a fiscal year 1975 grant for coastal zone management program development as authorized by section 305 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-583). 1976
Application of Ecological and Economic Models of the Impacts of Sea-Level Rise to the Delaware Estuary. 2010
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, coastal plain resource assessment. in accordance with section 1002 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act / Report and recommendation to the Congress of the United States and final legislative environmental impact statement : 1987
Assessing U.S. and Canadian laws and programs affecting the marine and coastal environment of the Gulf of Maine 1992
Atlantic City area wetlands review. 1981
Baltimore metropolitan coastal area study an agenda for action : a technical study in support of Maryland's Coastal Zone Management Program / 1976
Bay and estuarine system management in the Texas Coastal Zone, phase II : a conceptual report / 1973
Beach management 1996
Beach management survey an examination of attitudes and concerns of coastal property owners, resort merchants, and realtors in Sussex County, Delaware / 1988
Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas : coastal and ocean zones strategic assessment: data atlas / 1987
Better backyard : a citizen's resource guide to beneficial landscaping and habitat restoration in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. 1999
Beyond 2000 : an agenda for integrated coastal management development : post-conference report of CZC 2000 / 2001
Bibliography of synthesis documents on selected coastal ocean topics / 1994
Bight of the Big Apple 1981
Biodiversity investment areas : nearshore terrestrial ecosystems / 1998
Biodiversity investment areas integration : background paper / 2000
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