Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 587
Showing: Items 301 - 350
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Coastal zone management)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Increasing capacity for stewardship of oceans and coasts : a priority for the 21st century / 2008
Increasing conservation and sustainable use of coastal resources / 1998
Information and information management / 1997
Integrated coastal and ocean management : concepts and practices / 1998
Integrated coastal zone management / 2009
Integrated planning for water quality management: the Federal water pollution control act amendments of 1972 and coastal zone management / 1979
Integrated project control : coordination and consistency in State water and air quality, coastal zone, and land use planning / 1976
Interest group perceptions of development issues in tidewater Virginia / 1977
Introduction to coastal zone management 1994
Journal of land use & environmental law 1985
Jurisdictional zones and governmental responsibilities / 1979
Lake Michigan estuary and direct drainage area subwatersheds planning program prospectus / 1978
Land use information available from the Great Lakes coastal zone management programs 1978
Legislative history of the Coastal zone management act of 1972, as amended in 1974 and 1976 with a section-by-section index : prepared at the request of Hon. Warren G. Magnuson, chairman, Committee on Commerce and Hon. Ernest F. Hollings, chairman, National Ocean Policy Study, for the use of the Committee on Commerce and National Ocean Policy Study pursuant to S. Res. 222, December 1976. 1976
Legislative-political history of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972. 1974
Limited regulation of Lake Erie. 1983
Linking elements of the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) with the planned national water quality monitoring network : proceedings from the NOAA-supported workshop, 19-21 September, 2005 / 2006
Living Aquatic Resources Action Agenda for the Gulf of Mexico. 1994
Living coastal resources : a coastal zone management technical assistance document / 1976
Living on the edge of the Gulf : the West Florida and Alabama coast / 2001
Living shorelines : the science and management of nature-based coastal protection / 2017
Living with Long Island's south shore 1984
Living with the coast of Alaska 1997
Living with the New Jersey shore 1986
Living with the Puerto Rico shore 1995
Living with the shore of Puget Sound and the Georgia Strait 1987
Living with the West Florida shore / 1984
Local control over the onshore impacts of offshore energy development in Florida 1979
Local strategies for addressing climate change : volume two / 2009
Long Island Sound : prospects for an urban sea / 2014
Long Island Sound : prospects for the urban sea : an executive summary / 2015
Long Island Sound comprehensive conservation and management plan 2015 : returning the urban sea to abundance : public summary. 2015
Long Island Sound comprehensive conservation and management plan 2015 : returning the urban sea to abundance. 2015
Long Island Sound study : the comprehensive conservation and management plan. 1994
Louisiana coastal area (LCA), Louisiana : ecosystem restoration study : November 2004 / 2004
Maine coast: prospects and perspectives; a symposium, 20-22 October, 1966. 1967
Management measures for controlling coastal nonpoint source pollution. 1993
Management of coastal lagoons and enclosed bays 1993
Management of toxic materials in an international setting a case study of cadmium in the North Sea / 1987
Management options for unstable bluffs in Puget Sound, Washington 1994
Managing Washington's shores : today's challenge / 1985
Managing wastewater in coastal urban areas / 1993
Mangroves of the wider Caribbean toward sustainable management / 1990
Marina environmental management plan : a workbook for marinas, boatyards, & yacht clubs in New England. 2005
Marina environmental management plan : a workbook for marinas, boatyards, & yacht clubs in New England. 2007
Marinas and recreational boating : management measures for sources of nonpoint pollution in coastal waters. 1999
Marine and coastal conservation in the East African region 1984
Marine and coastal protected areas : a guide for planners and managers / 2000
Marine and shoreland resources management / 1980
Marine debris action agenda for the Gulf of Mexico : framework for action. 1993
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