Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Carcinogenesis)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Cancer Dose-Response Models Incorporating Clonal Expansion. 1989
Cancer risks strategies for elimination / 1987
Cancer; experiments and concepts 1973
Carcinogen assessment of coke oven emissions : draft / 1982
Carcinogenesis 1979
Carcinogenesis 1979
Carcinogenesis as a biological problem 1974
Carcinogenesis testing of chemicals; proceedings. 1974
Carcinogenesis, fundamental mechanisms and environmental effects proceedings of the thirteenth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry, held in Jerusalem, Israel, April 28-May 2, 1980 / 1980
Carcinogenesis. 1980
Carcinogenesis. A comprehensive survey. 1976
Carcinogenic Activity Associated with Asphaltic and Coal Tar Coatings Used in Potable Water Mains. 1981
Carcinogenic Activity of Acrylamide in the Skin and Lung of Swiss-ICR Mice. 1984
Carcinogenic and mutagenic effects of diesel engine exhaust : proceedings of the International Satellite Symposium on Toxicological Effects of Emissions from Diesel Engines, held in Tsukuba, Japan, July 26-28, 1986 1986
Carcinogenic effects of Benzene : an update. 1998
Carcinogenic effects of Benzene : an update. 1997
Carcinogenic effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 2005
Carcinogenic N-Hydroxylaminopurine Derivatives Do Not Act as Base Analog Mutagens in 'Salmonella typhimurium'. 1985
Carcinogenic potential of rotenone : Phase I : Dietary administration to hamsters / 1979
Carcinogenic potential of rotenone : Phase II : Oral and intraperitoneal administration to rats / 1979
Carcinogenic potential of rotenone : subchronic oral and peritoneal administration to rats and chronic dietary administration to syrian golden hamsters / 1981
Carcinogenic Risk of Non-Uniform Alpha Particle Irradiation in the Lungs: Radon Progeny Effects at Bronchial Bifurcations. 1992
Carcinogenicity and pesticides : principles, issues, and relationships. Biological issues in extrapolation. / 1989
Carcinogenicity and pesticides principles, issues, and relationships / 1989
Carcinogenicity and toxicity of benzene 1983
Carcinogenicity assessment of aldrin and dieldrin. 1987
Carcinogenicity assessment of chlordane and heptachlor/heptachlor epoxide. 1986
Carcinogenicity of alkylating cytostatic drugs proceedings of a symposium organized by IARC and the German Cancer Research Centre, held at the German Cancer Research Centre, Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany, 25-27 November 1985 / 1986
Carcinogenicity of Chlorination By-Products: Trihalomethanes. 1981
Carcinogenicity of Chloroform in Drinking Water to Male Osborne-Mendel Rats and Female B6C3F1 Mice. 1985
Carcinogenicity of the Chlorinated Acetic Acids. 1988
Carcinogens, identification and mechanisms of action 1979
CASAC review of the draft diesel health assessment document / 1998
Cell cycle regulators in cancer 1997
Cell differentiation, genes, and cancer / 1988
Cell Number and Size in Selected Organs of Fetuses of Rats Malnourished and Exposed to Nitrofen. 1986
Cell-specific factors in carcinogenesis 1980
Cellular oncogene activation 1988
Change in the DNA Content of the Nuclei of Tumor Cells in the Process of 'Progression' of the Induced Hepatoma (Izmenenie Soderzhaniya DNK v Yadrakh Opukholevykh Kletok v Protesse 'Progressii' Indutsirovannoi Hepatomy). 1973
Chapter 8. Dose-response modeling for 2,3,7,8-TCDD : Health assessment for 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) and related compounds. 1997
Characteristics of Benzo(a)Pyrene and A-Ring Reduced 7,12-Dimethyl Benz(a)Anthracene Induced Neoplastic Transformation of Human Cells in Vivo. 1981
Chemical and viral oncogenesis 1975
Chemical carcinogenesis 1982
Chemical carcinogenesis 1980
Chemical carcinogenesis : early enzyme changes / 1980
Chemical carcinogenesis : models and mechanisms / 1988
Chemical carcinogenesis and cancers, by W.C. Hueper and W.D. Conway. 1964
Chemical carcinogenesis and mutagenesis / 1990
Chemical carcinogenesis essays : proceedings of a workshop on approaches to assess the significance of experimental chemical carcinogenesis data for man, organized by IARC and the Catholic University of Louvain, Brussels, Belgium, 10-12 December 1973 / 1974
Chemical carcinogenesis selected papers. 1974
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