Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Carcinogenesis)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Chemical carcinogens 1984
Chemical carcinogens / 1976
Chemical carcinogens : activation mechanisms, structural and electronic factors, and reactivity / 1988
Chemical control and prevention 2000
Chemical induction of cancer : modulation and combination effects : an inventory of the many factors which influence carcinogenesis / 1995
Chemical induction of cancer : structural bases and biological mechanisms / 1968
Chemical induction of cancer : structural bases and biological mechanisms / Vol. 2B / Joseph C. Arcos, Mary F. Argus. 1974
Chemical mechanisms in toxicology 1994
Chemically-induced DNA damage and repair 1980
Chemicals and industrial processes associated with cancer in humans : report of an IARC ad hoc working group which met in Lyon, 15-17 January 1979 to advise the Director, IARC, on chemicals carcinogenic for humans / 1979
Chloroform Induction of Ornithine Decarboxylase Activity in Rats. 1982
Chromatin structure and function / 1979
Chronic Effects of Dietary Exposure to Amosite Asbestos and Tremolite in F344 Rats. 1983
Coffee and health 1984
Colonic carcinogenesis : proceedings of the 31st Falk symposium held during Intestinal Week, Titisee, May 27-29, 1981 1982
Comparative carcinogenicity of ionizing radiation and chemicals : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1989
Comparative perinatal carcinogenesis 1984
Comparative potency approach for estimating the cancer risk associated with exposure to mixtures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (interim report final) {Microfiche} 1988
Comparison of Enhancement of GGTase-Positive Foci and Induction of Ornithine Decarboxylase in Rat Liver by Barbiturates. 1981
Comparison of Rat Liver Foci Assay and Strain a Mouse Lung Tumor Assay to Detect Carcinogens: A Review. 1985
Comparison of the Effects of Acute and Subacute Treatment of Phenobarbital in Different Strains of Mice. 1989
Comparison of the Skin Tumor Initiating Activities of Emission Extracts in the SENCAR Mouse. 1981
Compilation and evaluation of leaching test methods / 1978
Computer simulation of carcinogenic processes / 1988
Concept of Activity Profiles of Antimutagens. 1989
Consequences of prolonged inhalation of ozone on Fisher-344/N rats, collaborative studies. 1994
Controlling Cadmium in the Human Food Chain: A Review and Rationale Based on Health Effects. 1980
Cytotoxicity of Halogenated Alkanes in Primary Cultures of Rat Hepatocytes from Normal, Partial Hepatectomized, and Preneoplastic/Neoplastic Liver. 1985
Dermal Carcinogenesis Assay in C3H/HEJ Mice with Cover Letter dated 07/18/86. 1986
Detection of Carcinogenicity Based on Mutagenicity in ARABIDOPSIS. 1983
Detection of mutagenic/carcinogenic alteration in fish {MICROFICHE} 1983
Development of a Comparative Potency Method for Cancer Risk Assessment of Complex Mixtures Using Short-Term 'In vivo' and 'In vitro' Bioassays. 1985
Development of method for carcinogenic vapor analysis in ambient atmospheres / 1974
Developmental aspects of carcinogenesis and immunity / 1974
Developmental toxicology : risk assessment and the future / 1990
Diesel Exhaust: A Critical Analysis of Emissions, Exposure, and Health Effects. A Special Report of the Institute's Diesel Working Group. 1995
Differentiation and carcinogenesis in liver cell cultures / 1980
DNA adducts : identification and biological significance / 1994
DNA Adducts and Induction of Sister Chromatid Exchanges in the Rat Following Benzo(b)-Fluoranthene Administration. 1992
DNA Modifications: Investigations by Mass Spectrometry (Chapter 3). 1994
Dose-Response Relationship in Multistage Carcinogenesis: Promoters. 1994
Dose-Response Study of Chloroform Carcinogenesis in the Mouse and Rat: Status Report. 1982
Drinking Water and Health. Part I, Chapters 1-5. A Report of the Safe Drinking Water Committee. 1977
Drinking Water and Health. Part II, Chapters 6 and 7. A Report of the Safe Drinking Water Committee. 1977
Drinking Water and Health. Volume 6. 1986
Drinking water criteria document for copper / 1987
EBDC special review : technical support document 2/3 / 1989
Ecological perspectives on carcinogens and cancer control : selected papers of the International Conference ... / 1978
Effect of insecticides on benzo(a)pyrene carcinogenesis / 1978
Effects of Carcinogenic Agents on Aquatic Animals: An Environmental and Experimental Overview. 1985
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