Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Clean air" : the local agencies plan for the Los Angeles air basin / 1973
"Greenbook" : standard specifications for public works construction / 1994
"Reduced area" investigation of San Francisco Bay for the State Water Pollution Control Board, Standard Service Agreement No. 12D-18, State of California, July 31, 1958. 1958
'Cost of Cleaning the Environment' Presented by the United States Environmental Protection Agency Held at Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California on Friday, March 30, 1972. 1972
100th anniversary earthquake conference April 18-22 2006, San Francisco, California : managing risk in earthquake country : proceedings CD-ROM : EERI 8th U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering (8NCEE), SSA Centennial Meeting, OES Diaster Resistant California Conference. [electronic resource] : 2006
1937 and 1949 supplement to photo analysis of the Aerojet-General complex 1953-79 March 1980 1980
1962-1967 summary of monthly means and maximums of pollutant concentrations : continuous air monitoring projects, national air surveillance networks 1969
1969 atmospheric reaction studies in the Los Angeles Basin : final report / 1970
1969 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the Los Angeles Basin. Volume I. Program Design and Methodology Data Summary and Discussion. 1970
1969 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the Los Angeles Basin. Volume II. Commerce Ground Data. 1970
1969 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the Los Angeles Basin. Volume III. El Monte Ground Data. 1970
1969 Atmospheric Reaction Studies in the Los Angeles Basin. Volume IV. Airborne Data ESSA Cooperative Data. 1970
1975 gas mileage guide for new car buyers in California. 1975
1976 California gas mileage guide for new buyers. 1976
1976 California gas mileage guide for new car buyers. 1975
1976 urban and rural travel survey 1976
1977 California gas mileage guide. 1977
1977 California gas mileage guide. 1976
1978 California gas mileage guide. 1977
1978 California gas mileage guide. 1978
1979 Bay Area Air Quality Plan : brief on modifying the plan / 1979
1980 gas mileage guide : California / 1980
1980 gas mileage guide : California / 1980
1982 Bay Area air quality plan 1982
1988 plan amendments to the California Desert Conservation Area plan of 1980 decision record. 1990
1988-1993 overall work program for the San Francisco Bay Area. 1988
1990 striped bass egg and larvae management studies, San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary : executive summary / 1991
1991 California enclosed bays and estuaries plan : water quality control plan for enclosed bays and estuaries of California. 1991
1993 annual report San Francisco Estuary Regional Monitoring Program for Trace Substances / 1994
1997 California manufacturers register. 1997
2003 pulse of the estuary : monitoring & managing contamination in the San Francisco Estuary / 2003
2007 Southern California multiagency support group burned area recovery task force report. 2007
208 areawide waste treatment management plan for Ventura County / 1978
208 areawide waste treatment management plan for Ventura County : first draft. 1978
208 areawide waste treatment management plan for Ventura County. 1978
208 areawide water quality management plan : 1979-1980 / 1980
208 areawide water quality management plan : Appendix A 1980 208 Plan Supplemental Information / 1981
208 plan / 1978
50 years of progress toward clean air, and : with an eye to the Earth / 2005
A breath of air : what pollution is doing to our children = Al respirar aire : como afecta la contaminación a nuestros hijos. 2004
A case study in interstate resource management : the California-Nevada water controversy, 1955-1968 / 1974
A case study of the Los Angeles County Palos Verdes landfill gas development project / 1977
A citizen's guide to the California Coastal Act of 1976. 1977
A comparison of Benthic macroinvertebrates collected by Dredge and Limestone substrate sampler / 1967
A comprehensive study of San Francisco Bay : final report : summary, conclusions and recommendations / 1971
A comprehensive study of San Francisco Bay : final report. 1965
A comprehensive study of San Francisco Bay, 1961-62 : south San Francisco Bay area, Suisun Bay-lower San Joaquin River area, San Pablo Bay area / 1963
A comprehensive study of San Francisco Bay, 1962-63 : Suisun Bay-Lower San Joaquin River Area, San Pablo Bay Area North San Francisco Bay area ; third annual report of the State Water Pollution Control Board / 1964
A comprehensive study of San Francisco Bay, 1963-64 : North San Francisco Bay area, Central San Francisco Bay area, Lower San Francisco Bay area ; fourth annual report / 1965
A computer simulation model for analyzing mobile source air pollution control strategies / 1976
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