Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Bitumens)

Select Item Title Year Published
Asphalt roofing industry Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy modified bitumen : U.S. Intec, Port Arthur, Texas 1999
Asphalt roofing industry manual emission testing modified bitumen, volume I of II : final report. 1999
Asphalt roofing industry manual emission testing modified bitumen, volume II of II : final report. 1999
Available methods of solidification for low-level radioactive wastes in the United States / 1976
Comparison of Air Pollutant Emissions from the Combustion of Orimulsion (Trade Name) and Other Fossil Fuels. 1999
Development document for interim final effluent limitations, guidelines, and standards of performance--mineral mining and processing industry / 1975
Environmental impacts of the use of Orimulsion (R), report to Congress on phase 1 of the Orimulsion (R) Technology Assessment Program Volume 1, Executive summary, report, and Appendix A / [electronic resource]. 2001
Environmental impacts of the use of orimulsions (trade name). 2001
Evaluation of emissions from combustion of Orimulsion / 1999
Porous Pavements and Urban Hydrology. 1983
Reuse of Solid Waste from Water-Softening Processes. 1973
Survey of the Available Methods of Solidification for Radioactive Wastes. 1978

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