Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 125
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Biometry)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A review of biostatistics : a program for self-instruction / 1978
An introduction to mathematical ecology / 1969
Applied longitudinal analysis / 2011
Basic statistics a primer for the biomedical sciences. 1964
Bayesian biostatistics [electronic resource] / 2012
Bayesian hierarchical spatial and spatio-temporal modeling and mapping of tuberculosis in Kenya / 2013
Biological data analysis : a practical approach / 1994
Biometrics : journal of the International Biometric Society. 1947
Biometrics. 1945
Biometrika. 1901
Biometry / 2005
Biometry : the principles and practice of statistics in biological research / 1981
Biometry : the principles and practice of statistics in biological research / 1969
Biometry : the principles and practice of statistics in biological research / 1995
Biometry : the principles and practice of statistics in biological research / 2012
Biometry for forestry and environmental data with examples in R / 2020
Biostatistical analysis 1974
Biostatistical analysis 1984
Biostatistical analysis 1999
Biostatistical analysis / 1996
Biostatistical methods 2002
Biostatistical methods : the assessment of relative risks / 2000
Biostatistics 1966
Biostatistics 1984
Biostatistics : a foundation for analysis in the health sciences / 2009
Biostatistics : a methodology for the health sciences / 2004
Biostatistics : experimental design and statistical inference / 1993
Biostatistics casebook 1980
Biostatistics cookbook : the most user-friendly guide for the bio/medical scientist / 1996
Biostatistics for animal science 2004
Biostatistics with R : an introduction to statistics through biological data / 2012
Biostatistics, a foundation for analysis in the health sciences 1987
Biostatistics: a foundation for analysis in the health sciences 1974
Cause and correlation in biology : a user's guide to path analysis, structural equations, and causal inference / 2000
Choosing and using statistics : a biologist's guide / 2011
Confounding and selection bias in case control studies / 1981
Contributions to probability theory 1967
Contributions to probability theory. 1967
Design of experiments 1953
Dynamical system theory in biology. 1970
Effects of pollution on health, 1972
Encyclopedia of biostatistics / 1998
Environmental health : quantitative methods : proceedings of a conference / 1977
Essence of biometry. 1963
Essentials of biostatistics in public health / 2012
Evaluating research articles from start to finish / 1996
Experimental design and data analysis for biologists 2003
Experimental design and data analysis for biologists / 2002
Fitting equations to data : computer analysis of multifactor data for scientists and engineers / 1971
Fundamentals of biostatistics / 1990
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