Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Bioassay)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Bioassay-Directed Fractionation of the Organic Extract of SRM 1649 Urban Air Particulate Matter. 1990
Bioassays of Quality in Water Resources of Major Importance to New Mexico. 1972
Bioassays to Determine Algal Growth Potential of Micronutrients. 1971
Bioassays with arthropods / 2007
Bioassessment methodologies for the regulatory testing of freshwater dredged material : proceedings of a workshop / 1986
Bioassessment of streams at Anchorage, Alaska : conceptual design / 1993
Biochemical analyses for detection and assessment of pollution in the subsurface environment / 1983
Biochemical and Neuropathological Assessment of Triphenyl Phosphite in Rats. 1986
Biochemical Effects of Repeated Administration of p,p'-DDT on the Squirrel Monkey. 1970
Biochemical Mechanisms of 'In vitro' Chloropropanone Toxicity. 1987
Biochemical studies of the Potomac estuary--summer 1978 / 1979
Biochemical, Functional and Morphological Indicators of Neurotoxicity: Effects of Acute Administration of Trimethyltin to the Developing Rat. 1984
Biochrome analysis as a method for assessing phytoplankton dynamics phase I / 1974
Bioindicators and environmental management / 1991
Bioindicators as a measure of success for virtual elimination of persistent toxic substances : a report based on a workshop held April 28-29, 1992 at the Michigan League, Ann Arbor, Michigan / 1994
Bioindicators for assessing ecological integrity of prairie wetlands / 1996
Biological and chemical assessments of sediment collected from eleven locations in Albermarle and Pamlico Sounds, North Carolina 1992
Biological and Water Quality Survey of the Vermilion River Vermilion County, Illinois, 1994. 1995
Biological assessment and ecological risk assessment : new tools for cleanup decisions at hazardous waste / 1988
Biological assessment methods, biocriteria, and biological indicators : bibliography of selected technical, policy, and regulatory literature. 1996
Biological Assessment of Continuous Exposure to Tritium and Lead in the Rat. 1976
Biological Assessment of Toxicity Caused by Chemical Constituents Eluted from Site Soils Collected at the Drake Chemical Superfund Site, Lock Haven, Clinton Co., Pennsylvania. 1991
Biological availability of pollutants to marine organisms / 1978
Biological availability of sediment phosphorus inputs to the lower Great Lakes / 1984
Biological consequences of plant residue decomposition in soil / 1972
Biological criteria development for large rivers with an emphasis on an assessment of the White River drainage, Indiana / 1992
Biological data in water pollution assessment : quantitative and statistical analyses : a symposium / 1978
Biological effects of marine pollution and the problems of monitoring proceedings from ICES workshop held in Beaufort, North Carolina 26 February-2 March 1979 / 1980
Biological Effects of Pesticides on the Dungeness Crab. 1977
Biological electrodes specific for phosphate and nitrite ions / 1976
Biological field and laboratory methods for measuring the quality of surface waters and effluents / 1973
Biological field investigative data for water pollution surveys, by William Marcus Ingram, Kenneth M. Mackenthun and Alfred F. Bartsch. 1966
Biological impact caused by changes on a tropical reef / 1976
Biological indicators of water quality 1979
Biological investigations on bioassay procedures and test organisms / 1981
Biological Methods for Determining Toxicity of Contaminated Freshwater Sediments to Invertebrates. 1984
Biological methods for the assessment of water quality : a symposium presented at the seventy-fifth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials. / 1973
Biological monitoring in water pollution, 1982
Biological monitoring of fish / 1980
Biological monitoring of inland fisheries 1977
Biological monitoring of water and effluent quality : a symposium, Blacksburg, Va., 2-4 Nov. 1975 / 1976
Biological Problems in Water Pollution. 1957
Biological Productivity of the Coeur D 'Alene River as Related to Water Quality. 1970
Biological Survey of Pinkham Creek and the North Platte River in the Vicinity of Cowdrey, Colorado August 24, 1972. 1972
Biological test method : fertilization assay using echinoids (sea urchins and sand dollars). 2011
Biological test method Test of larval growth and survival using fathead minnows / 1992
Biological test method. Acute lethality test using Daphnia spp / 1990
Biological test method. Acute lethality test using rainbow trout. 1990
Biological test method. Test for survival and growth in sediment using spionid polychaete worms (Polydora cornuta) / 2001
Biological test method. Toxicity tests using early life stages of salmonid fish (rainbow trout, coho salmon, or Atlantic salmon) / 1992
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