Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Aquatic toxicology : proceedings of the Second Annual Symposium on Aquatic toxicology : a symposium / 1979
Aquatic toxicology and environmental fate : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-47 on Biological Effects and Environmental Fate, Philadelphia, PA, 14-16 April 1985 / 1986
Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment 12th volume / 1989
Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment proceedings of the Fourth Annual Symposium on Aquatic Toxicology / 1981
Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment, seventh symposium : a symposium / 1985
Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment: proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Aquatic Toxicology: a symposium / 1982
Aquatic toxicology and hazard evaluation : proceedings of the first annual Symposium on Aquatic Toxicology : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-35 on Pesticides, American Society for Testing and Materials, Memphis, Tenn., 25-26 Oct. 1976 / 1977
Aquatic toxicology and risk assessment : fourteenth volume / 1991
Aquatic toxicology and risk assessment. 1990
Aquatic Toxicology: Part 2 of a Four-Part Series. 1990
Arabidopsis Assay for Mutagenicity. 1994
Arkabutla Reservoir, DeSoto and Tate Counties, Mississippi. 1975
Arrowhead Mountain Lake Chittenden and Franklin Counties Vermont. 1974
Aspects of phosphate utilization by blue-green algae / 1976
Assay of Chicken Brain Neurotoxic Esterase Activity Using Leptophosoxon as the Selective Neurotoxic Inhibitor. 1981
Assessing contaminant sensitivity of endangered and threatened species : effluent toxicity tests / 1999
Assessing contaminant sensitivity of endangered and threatened species: effluent toxicity tests / 1999
Assessing multiple pollutant multiple source cancer risks from urban air toxics : summary of approaches and insights from completed and ongoing urban air toxics assessment studies. 1989
Assessing the Effect of Colony Counting Methods and Genetic Drift on Ames Bioassay Results. 1984
Assessment of Cadmium Exposure and Toxicity Risk in an American Vegetarian Population. 1985
Assessment of Genotoxicity of Hazardous Wastes with the Arabidopsis Embryo Assay. 1987
Assessment of Hazardous Wastes for Genotoxicity. 1987
Assessment of mutagenic potential of mixtures of organic substances in renovated water / 1981
Assessment of Salinity Effects on the Toxicity of Atrazine to Chesapeake Bay Species: Data Needs for Development of Estuarine Aquatic Life Criteria. 1993
Assessment of the effects of nutrient loadings on Lake Ontario using a mathematical model of the phytoplankton / 1976
Assessment of the hazards of polybrominated biphenyls / 1978
Assessment of the mutagenic potential of volatile organic air pollutants before and after atmospheric transformation. 1990
Assessment of the TLC/Salmonella Assay for Screening Hazardous Wastes. 1987
Assessment of toxicity of automotive metallic emissions. volume I, Assessment of fuel additives emission toxicity via selected assays of nucleic acid and protein synthesis / 1976
Assessment of toxicity of automotive metallic emissions. volume II, Relative toxicities of automotive metallic emissions against lead compounds using biochemical parameters / 1976
Athens/Gulf Breeze Environmental Protection Agency cooperaive industrial wastewater biomonitoring project : status report : through FY1978. 1978
Attempts to Abbreviate Time to End-Point in Fish Hepatocarcinogenesis Assays. 1984
Atwood Reservoir, Carroll and Tuscarawas Counties, Ohio. 1975
Audubon Lake, McLean County, North Dakota. 1976
Automated Device (AGARS) for Studying Avoidance of Pollutant Gradients by Aquatic Organisms. 1978
Bacterial Bioassay for Level I Toxicity Assessment. 1983
Bacterial indicators of pollution 1982
Bacterial indicators of water pollution : a study of quantitative estimation / 1963
Bacterial indicators/health hazards associated with water : a symposium ; Chicago, Ill., 28-29 June 1976 / 1977
Bacterial Mutagenicity of Aceanthrylene: A Novel Cyclopenta-Fused Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon of Low Molecular Weight. 1985
Badger Lake, Polk County, Minnesota. 1974
Badin Lake, Montgomery and Stanley Counties, North Carolina. 1975
Baldwin Lake, Randolph County, Illinois. 1975
Bankhead Lake and Holt Lock and Dam, Walker and Tuscaloosa Counties, Alabama. 1976
Barren River Reservoir, Allen and Barren Counties, Kentucky. 1977
Bartlett Lake, Koochiching County, Minnesota. 1974
Baseline levels of platinum and palladium in human tissue / 1976
Bass Lake, Starke County, Indiana. 1976
Bay of Naples and Sebago Lake, Cumberland County, Maine. 1974
Beach City Reservoir, Stark, and Tuscarawas Counties, Ohio. 1975
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