Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Basin water)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comprehensive water pollution control program for the central Columbia River basin / 1954
A history of water pollution control in the Willamette Basin, Oregon / 1965
A preliminary assessment of water pollution in the Big Sioux River Basin, South Dakota, Iowa, and Minnesota / 1972
A program for pollution abatement : address delivered at the Southern Regional Conference of the Council of State Governments, Mayflower Hotel, June 10, 1947, Washington, D.C. / 1947
A study of Colorado River water quality near Yuma, Arizona / 1961
A survey of Columbia River Basin water law institutions and policies : report to the Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission / 1997
A water quality model for the South Platte River Basin / 1974
Accomplishment Plan - Water Quality. South Platte River Basin. 1972
Accomplishment plan, Region VIII : Jordan River Basin - Salt Lake City area. 1972
Accomplishment Plan. Region VIII. Cheyenne River Basin Area. 1972
Accomplishment Plan. Region VIII. Cheyenne River Basin. 1972
Alabama River Basin (Including The Coosa, Tallapoosa and Cahaba River Basins). 1954
Alabama River Basin (Including the Coosa, Tallapoosa and Cahaba River Basins). 1954
Alabama-Coosa River Basin Howell Mill Shoals Reservoir: Report on Effects of Proposed Reservoir on Pollution Problems in Alabama-Coosa River Basin. 1951
An appraisal of the possibilities of artificial recharge to ground-water supplies in part of the Roswell basin, New Mexico / 1964
An Issue Analysis on Out-of-Basin Water Transfer 1983
Analysis of Municipal and Industrial Water Supply in the Willamette Basin, Oregon. 1965
Analysis of nonpoint-source pollutants in the Missouri Basin Region / 1975
Analytical Interdisciplinary Evaluation of the Utilization of the Water Resources of the Rio Grande in New Mexico. 1973
Analytical Interdisciplinary Evaluation of the Utilization of the Water Resources of the Rio Grande in New Mexico: Lower Rio Grande Region. 1973
Application of auto-qual modelling system to the Patuxent River basin / 1973
Appraisal of Water Pollution in the Lake Superior Basin. 1970
Arkansas-Red River basins water quality conservation : summary report on a basic study of water quality, sources of natural and manmade salt pollution, and suggested corrective measures. 1964
Arkansas-Red River Basins Water Quality Conservation. Appendix Volume II. Benefits Evaluation. 1964
Arkansas-Red River Basins Water Quality Conservation. Appendix Volume III. Water Quality Data. 1964
Arkansas-Red River Basins Water Quality Conservation. Appendix. Volume I: The Mineral Pollution Problem and Proposed Solutions. 1964
Arkansas-Red River Basins Water Quality Conservation. Report on a Basic Study of Water Quality, Sources of Natural and Manmade Salt Pollution, and Suggested Corrective Measures. 1964
Assessment of Interstate Streams in the Susquehanna River Basin, Monitoring Report No. 18, July 1, 2003 Through June 30, 2004. 2005
Assessment of Interstate Streams in the Susquehanna River Basin, Monitoring Report No. 19, July 1 2004 Through June 30, 2005. 2006
Assessment of Interstate Streams in the Susquehanna River Basin. (Report for July 1, 2005-June 30, 2006). 2007
Assessment of Interstate Streams in the Susquehanna River Basin. Monitoring Report No. 21, July 1, 2006 Through June 30, 2007. 2008
Assessment of Interstate Streams in the Susquehanna River Basin. Monitoring Report No. 22, July 1, 2007 Through December 31, 2008. 2009
Assessment of the water quality of streams in the Susquehanna River Basin 1976
Background information for water resources management planning in the western and southern Puget Sound basins 1975
Bear River evaluation report : 1974 survey / 1975
Beet Sugar Industry--The Water Pollution Problem and Status of Waste Abatement and Treatment. 1967
Big Blue River Basin water quality management plan 1976
Big Sandy River Basin. Report on Low Flow Regulation and Navigation Pool Evaluation - Pollution Abatement and Water Supply. 1957
Big Sioux River Drainage Basin. A Cooperative State-Federal Report on Water Pollution. 1951
Biological and water quality monitoring and geographic information system needs in the upper Tennessee River basin : a report from the 1994 upper Tennessee River basin aquatic studies and geographic information systems workshop, April 6-7, 1994, Abingdon, Virginia / 1995
Case for Better Waste Treatment. 1971
Central Missouri River Drainage Basin. A Cooperative State-Federal Report on Water Pollution. 1952
Central Missouri River Water Quality Investigation, August 1952-December 1953. 1954
Chemical analyses of stream sediment in the Tar Creek Basin of the Picher Mining area, northeast Oklahoma 1988
Chemical quality of surface waters and sedimentation in the Saline River Basin Kansas 1964
Chemical quality of surface waters in the Brazos River Basin in Texas / 1964
Chemical quality of water resources of the Conewango Creek Basin, New York. 1954
Chemical Water Quality on the Lower Kansas River Basin. 1966
Clean Water for the Pacific Northwest. 1952
Cleaner Water for the Ohio. 1952
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