Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Final feasibility study report for the Coeur d'Alene basin remedial investigation feasibility study 2001
Fish and wildlife resources of the Umpqua Basin, Oregon, and their water requirements / 1972
Future Municipal and Industrial Water Requirements Quality and Return Flow Aspects in the Neches, Trinity, San Jacinto, Brazos, Colorado, Guadalupe, San Antonio, and Nueces River Basins. 1962
Geochemistry and isotope hydrology of representative aquifers in the Great Basin region of Nevada, Utah, and adjacent states / 1996
Geohydrologic evaluation of streamflow records in the Big Wood River basin, Idaho 1960
Geohydrologic impacts of coal development in the Narragansett Basin, Massachusetts and Rhode Island 1979
Geohydrology and water utilization in the Willcox Basin, Graham and Cochise Counties, Arizona, 1969
Geologic and ground-water reconnaissance of the Loup River drainage basin, Nebraska 1959
Geology and ground water of the Umatilla River basin, Oregon 1964
Geology and ground-water resources of the Douglas Basin, Arizona / 1955
Geology and ground-water resources of the Harney basin, Oregon 1939
Geology and ground-water resources of the Lake Dakota plain area, South Dakota / 1963
Geology and ground-water resources of the Missoula Basin, Montana / 1965
Grand-Chariton Drainage Basins. A cooperative State-Federal Report on Water Pollution. 1952
Ground-water geology and pump irrigation in Frenchman Creek Basin above Palisade, Nebraska 1963
Ground-water hydrology of the central Raton Basin, Colorado and New Mexico / 1989
Ground-Water Pollution in the Middle and Lower South Platte River Basin of Colorado. 1967
Ground-water quality and data on wells and springs in Pennsylvania : Volume III, Delaware River basin / 1982
Ground-water resources of the Chemung River Basin, New York and Pennsylvania 1988
Ground-water resources of the Pascagoula River basin, Mississippi and Alabama 1967
Groundwater Management Plan for the Susquehanna River Basin. 2005
Heavy Metals in Organic-Rich Muds of the Neuse River Estuarine System. 1991
Holley reservoir Calapooia river basin water quality and water supply report. 1969
How the oil sands got to the Great Lakes Basin : pipelines, refineries and emissions to air and water / 2008
Hydrogeologic and hydrochemical framework, South-Central Great Basin, Nevada-California with special reference to the Nevada Test Site : prepared on behalf of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission / 1975
Hydrologic budget of the Beaverdam Creek Basin, Maryland 1959
Illinois River System - Stream Flows Required for Water Quality Control. 1963
Illinois River System - Water Quality Conditions. Part I. Text. 1963
Illinois River System - Water Quality Conditions. Part II. Tables. Chapters 2 and 3. 1963
Illinois River System - Water Quality Conditions. Part II. Tables. Chapters 4 through 9. 1963
Illinois River System - Water Quality Conditions. Part III. Graphs and Illustrations. 1963
Immediate Water Pollution Control Needs for the Interstate and Intrastate Waters of the Hudson-Mohawk Region. 1967
Immediate water pollution control needs Pecos River Basin New Mexico and Texas. 1967
Immediate Water Pollution Control Needs, The Eastern Shore of Delaware, Maryland and Virginia. 1967
Impact of energy development on water resources in the upper Colorado River basin 1977
Implications of Climate Change for the Water Balance of the Columbia River Basin, USA. 1993
Index of surface-water records to September 30, 1967. 1968
Integration of the Agricultural Demand Function for Water and the Hydrologic Model of the Pecos Basin. 1972
Intensive hydrographical and water quality survey of the Chincoteague/Sinepuxent/Assawoman Bay Systems 1978
Intensive survey of the Little Vermilion River as effected by seasonal variation, 1992 1993
Intensive Survey of the Vermilion River Basin Illinois River Drainage. 1993
Interaction of Water with Saline Evaporite Minerals and its Relationship to the Salinity of the Green River in Wyoming 1977
Interim report on water quality survey of Klamath Basin waters in Oregon, July 1959 to December 1960. 1961
Inventory of major municipal and industrial point source discharges in the Great Lakes Basin 1979
Inventory of Present Water Quality in the Brazos, Colorado, Guadalupe, Neches, Nueces, San Antonio, San Jacinto, and Trinity River Basins. 1961
Investigation of the lower Roanoke River Basin : report on the effects of possible modification of John H. Kerr Project to improved water quality of the lower Roanoke River / 1962
Iowa Water Quality Management Plan: Northeastern Iowa Basin. 1976
Iowa Water Quality Management Plan: Southern Iowa Basin. 1976
Iowa Water Quality Management Plan: Western Iowa Basin. 1976
Irrigation Return Flow Study Wapato Irrigation District Yakima River Basin, Washington. 1964
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