Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Asphalt)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1,2,3,4-Tetrahydronaphthalene : information review / 1984
2020 National Emissions Inventory technical support document : solvents – consumer and commercial : asphalt paving 2023
A study of the use of recycled paving material / 1993
A study of the use of recycled paving material : report to Congress : as specified in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, Section 1038(b) / 1993
Advances in Encapsulation Technologies for the Management of Mercury-Contaminated Hazardous Wastes. 2002
Air pollution control technology and costs : seven selected emission sources : kraft mill recovery boilers, ferroalloy furnaces, feed and grain processing, glass melting furnaces, crushed stone and aggregate industry, asphalt saturators, industrial surface coatings / 1974
Air Pollution Control Technology and Costs in Nine Selected Areas. 1972
An evaluation of control systems and mass emission rates from dryer-drum hot asphalt plants / 1976
Applications of fabric filters to asphalt plants / 1978
Asphalt (bitumen) 2004
Asphalt handbook. 1965
Asphalt hot-mix emission study / 1975
Asphalt paving manual / 1978
Asphalt roofing and siding manufacturing industry : background information for proposed standards / 1979
Asphalt roofing manufacturing industry : background information for promulgated standards / 1982
Asphalt roofing manufacturing industry : background information for proposed standards / 1980
Asphalt-Aggregate interactions in hot recycling 1987
Asphaltic concrete industry : source category report / 1987
Asphaltic Concrete Plants. Atmospheric Emissions Study. 1971
Asphaltite in the Ouachita Mountains. 1956
Atmospheric emissions from asphalt roofing processes / 1974
Atmospheric emissions from the asphalt industry / 1973
Atmospheric Emissions from the Asphalt Industry. 1973
Background information for new source performance standards : Asphalt concrete plants, petroleum refineries, storage vessels, secondary lead smelters and refineries, brass or bronze ingot production plants, iron and steel plants, sewage treatment plants / 1974
Background information for proposed new source performance standards : asphalt concrete plants, petroleum refineries, storage vessels, secondary lead smelters and refineries, brass or bronze ingot production plants, iron and steel plants, sewage treatment plants. 1973
Beneficial Reuse of Foundry Sand: A Review of State Practices and Regulations. 2002
Chemical, polymer, and fiber additives for low maintenance highways 1979
Comparative Carcinogenic and Mutagenic Activity of Coal Tar and Petroleum Asphalt Paints Used in Potable Water Supply Systems. 1984
Control of volatile organic compounds from use of cutback asphalt / 1977
Control techniques for volatile organic emissions from stationary sources. 1978
Control technology evaluation of the drum-mix process for asphalt concrete manufacturing / 1978
Control technology for asphalt roofing industry / 1976
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the petroleum refining point source category / 1974
Draft Report of a Mouse Skin Carcinogenicity Study with Asphalt Fume Condensate (LR-A), Asphalt Fume Condensate (TR-A) and Type III (Built Up Roofing) Oxidized Roofing Asphalt. 2009
Economic analysis of effluent guidelines : paving and roofing materials (tars and asphalt). 1975
Economic analysis of proposed effluent guidelines : paving and roofing materials (tars and asphalt). 1974
Economic impact of implementing RACT (Reasonably Available Control Technology) guidelines in the state of Ohio / 1978
Economic impact of implementing RACT guidelines in the nonattainment areas for ozone in the state of South Carolina. 1979
Economic impact of implementing RACT guidelines in the state of Illinois / 1979
Economic impact of implementing RACT guidelines in the state of Tennessee. 1979
Electrified bed evaluation / 1978
Emission Factor Documentation for AP-42 Section 11.1, Hot Mix Asphalt Production. 2000
Emission Inventory/Factor Workshop : September 13-15, 1977, Raleigh, NC / 1978
Emission of volatile organic compounds from drum-mix asphalt plants / 1981
Emission of Volatile Organic Compounds from Drum-Mix Asphalt Plants. 1981
Emissions test at an asphalt concrete production plant : Asphalt Plant "A" - Clayton, N.C. / 1999
Emissions test at an asphalt concrete production plant : Asphalt Plant "A" - Clayton, North Carolina / 1999
Emissions test at an asphalt concrete production plant : Asphalt Plant "A", Clayton, North Carolina / 2000
Emissions test at an asphalt concrete production plant : Asphalt Plant "A", Clayton, North Carolina : final report / 2000
Emissions test at an asphalt concrete production plant : Asphalt Plant "A", Clayton, North Carolina : volume 1 of 2. Appendices A & B / 2000
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