Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 38
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Ammonium sulfate)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acid Aerosol Measurement Intercomparison Workshop : April 10-11, 1991, Research Triangle Park, N.C. : final report / 1992
Ammonium sulfate and bisulfate formation in air preheaters {microform} / 1982
Ammonium sulfate manufacture : background information for promulgated emission standards / 1980
Ammonium sulfate manufacture : background information for proposed emission standards / 1979
Analysis of thermal decomposition products of flue gas conditioning agents / 1979
AWWA standard for ammonium sulfate. 1996
Characteristics of Individual Particles at a Rural Site in the Eastern United States. 1986
Comparative Study of Various Methods Used for Determining Health Effects of Inhaled Sulfates. 1986
Comparison of Aerosol Acidity in Urban and Semi-Rural Environments. 1992
Comparison of Methods for Evaluation of Experimentally Induced Emphysema. 1984
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition (Including Supplements 1-7) Supplement 12. 1981
Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Third Edition, Supplement 12. 1981
Conditioning of fly ash with sulfamic acid, ammonium sulfate, and ammonium bisulfate / 1974
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the formulated fertilizer segment of the fertilizer manufacturing plant source category. 1975
Dosimetry Model for Hygroscopic Sulfate Aerosols in Selected Temperature and Relative Humidity Patterns. 1984
Effects of Ammonium Sulfate Aerosols on Vegetation. 1. Chamber Design for Long-Duration Exposures. 1983
Effects of Repeated Ammonium Sulfate Applications on Soil Leachate Chemistry on the Fernow Experimental Forest in West Virginia, USA. 1992
Effects of Short-Term Exposures to Sulfuric Acid and Ammonium Sulfate Aerosols Upon Bronchial Airway Function in the Donkey. 1978
Effects of Subchronic Exposure to a Mixture of O3, SO2, and (NH4)2SO4 on Host Defenses of Mice. 1983
Effects of Sulfur Oxide Pollutants on Respiratory Function, Particle Deposition and Bronchial Clearance. 1980
Evaluation of the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer for Particle-Associated Ammonium Sulfate Determination. 1992
Granulation of complex fertilizers containing ammonium sulfate by melt technology / 1976
Industrial process profiles for environmental use. Chapter 22, the phosphate rock and basic fertilizers industry / 1977
Interactions of various pollutants on causation of pulmonary disease / 1978
Interactions of various pollutants on causation of pulmonary disease / 1978
Pulmonary Function in Elastase-Treated Guinea Pigs and Rats Exposed to Ammonium Sulfate or Ammonium Nitrate Aerosols. 1985
Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Honeywell-Hopewell (Fomerly Allied Signal) 2006
Report of the PAX Company Arsenic Advisory Committee to the Environmental Protection Agency. 1973
Review of new source performance standards for ammonium sulfate manufacture / 1985
Southern California Air Quality Study: Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectrometer Measurements of H2O2 and H2CO at the Claremont and Long Beach 'A' Sites. 1988
Studies on the effect of ammonium sulfate on carcinogenesis / 1978
Studies on the effect of ammonium sulfate on carcinogenesis / 1978
Sulfur oxide removal from power plant stack gas ammonia scrubbing : production of ammonium sulfate and use as an intermediate in phosphate fertilizer manufacture / 1970
Support: Letter from Cytec Industries Inc to USEPA Regarding Aquatic Toxicity Studies of CT-648-98, with Attachments (3 Final Study Reports) and Dated 07/02/1999. 1999
Survey of Effects of Gaseous and Aerosol Pollutants on Pulmonary Function of Normal Males. 1983
The mechanism of sulfur dioxide initiated bronchoconstriction / 1977
The optical constants (n,k) of ammonium sulfate in the infrared / 1970
X-Ray Emission Analysis: Sample Losses During Excitation. 1978

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