Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Air Pollution North America)

Select Item Title Year Published
Acid deposition : effects on geochemical cycling and biological availability of trace elements 1985
Acid precipitation patterns and trends in eastern North America, 1980-1984 / 1987
Acidic Precipitation Effects on Terrestrial Vegetation. 1984
Addressing atmospheric mercury : science and policy : a workshop : Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, December 2001 / 2003
An Assessment of tropospheric ozone pollution : a North American perspective / 2000
Analysis of the effects of western copper and lead smelter emissions on acidic deposition in the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada / 1981
Critical Assessment of Effects of Acidification on Fisheries in North America. 1984
Dry Deposition Module for Regional Acid Deposition. 1986
Haze over eastern North America : part 1, haze properties / 1985
Improving emission inventories for effective air quality management across North America : a NARSTO assessment / 2003
Long-range transport of airborne pollutants in North America (LRTAP) : a peer review of Canadian Federal Research 1984
LRTAP problem in North America : a preliminary overview / 1979
North American power plant air emissions / 2004
Proceedings of the Action Seminar on Acid Precipitation, held November 1, 2, and 3, 1979, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 1980
Role of Nitrogen Oxides in Nonurban Ozone Formation in the Planetary Boundary Layer over N (North) America, W (Western) Europe and Adjacent Areas of Ocean. 1986
Second report of the United States-Canada Research Consultation Group on the Long-Range Transport of Air Pollutants. 1980
Smelter smoke in North America : the politics of transborder pollution / 2000
Taking stock : North American pollutant releases and transfers. 2011
Wet deposition temporal and spatial patterns in North America, 1987 / 1990

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