Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Acid pollution of rivers lakes etc)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Chemical surveys of North Cascade lakes / 1984
Chemical, geologic, and hydrologic data from the study of acidic contamination in the Miami Wash-Pinal Creek area, Arizona, water years 1984-87 1989
Contribution of organic acids to the acidity of Finnish lakes = Yhteenveto, Orgaanisten happojen merkitys Suomen jarvien happamuuteen / 1993
Current status of surface water acid-base chemistry 1990
Eastern Lake Survey Phase II : quality assurance report / 1989
Eastern lake survey, phase I : field operations report. 1986
Eastern Lake Survey, phase II : quality assurance report / 1989
Eastern lake survey-phase II : national stream survey-phase I : processing laboratory operations report / 1990
Eastern lake survey-phase II : national stream survey-phase I : processing laboratory operations report / 1990
Eastern lake survey-phase II. National stream survey-phase I : processing laboratory operations report. 1989
Effects of acidic precipitation on the water quality of streams in the Laurel Hill area, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, 1983-86 1990
EPA-1997 Summitville. 1997
Episodic acidification of streams in the northeastern United States : chemical and biological results of the episodic response project : episodic response project final report / 1993
Episodic acidification of surface waters due to acidic deposition 1990
Establishing the acidification chemistry information database (ACID) : progress report for NAPAP projects E1-8, E2-11 1983
Evaluation of New York state lake liming data and the application of models from Scandinavian lakes to Adirondack lakes 1988
Factors affecting response of surface waters to acidic deposition / 1986
Factors affecting the long-term response of surface waters to acidic deposition : state-of-the-science / 1986
Feasibility of Elk Creek Acid Mine Drainage Abatement Project / 1976
Feasibility study manual : mine water pollution control demonstrations. 1970
Fecundity of the brown bullhead, Ictalurus nebulosus (Le Sueur), in a mine acid polluted river / 1975
Fisheries status in relation to acidity in selected Vermont lakes 1983
Gas chromatographic analysis of muscle lipids in normal and acid exposed brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). 0
Genetic and environmental factors involved in increased resistance of brook trout to sulfuric acid solutions and mine acid polluted waters / 1978
Geological controls on the sensitivity of headwater streams to acid precipitation in the Laurel Highlands of Pennsylvania : a thesis in forest resources / 1982
Guidelines for liming acidified streams and rivers 1993
Handbook of methods for acid deposition studies : field methods for surface water chemistry / 1989
Hemal changes in acid exposed fathead minnows and longnose dace. 1971
Histochemical and cytophotometric assay of acid stress in freshwater fish / 1971
Histology and DNA cytophotometry of the pancreas in acid exposed brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). 1970
Hydrologic and mining data from an area of underground coal mining in Garrett County, Maryland 1988
Impact of surface water acidification on commercially and recreationally important salmonid fishes : effects on reproductive success and recruitment / 1984
Impacts of airborne pollutants on wilderness areas along the Minnesota-Ontario border / 1980
Impacts of forest management practices on the aquatic environment, phase III : final report. 1976
Indexing Minnesota fish lakes relative to potential susceptibility to acidic deposition / 1984
Initial detection of acid lakes in Washington state 1981
Interactions among waterfowl, fishes, invertebrates, and macrophytes in four Maine lakes of different acidity / 1985
International directory of acid deposition researchers 1983
Investigations into the effects of acid precipitation on wetland-dwelling wildlife in Northeastern Ontario / 1986
Liming and fisheries management guidelines for acidified lakes in the Adirondack region / 1989
Liming of acidified Swedish lakes and streams and its consequences for the aquatic ecosystem 1983
Liming of acidified waters : a review of methods and effects on aquatic ecosystems / 1982
Liming of acidified waters : issues and research - a report of the International Liming Workshop. 1982
Limnology of remote lakes in the Adirondack region of New York State, with emphasis on acidification problems / 1978
Long-term monitoring for aquatic effects of acidic deposition : an approach to considering regional aspects of information from exiting monitoring sites / 1990
Methods for projecting future changes in surface water acid-base chemistry / 1990
Metro Wheeling urban study, West Virginia and Ohio : acid mine drainage investigation, Phase II / 1979
Microbial effect on the quality of leach water from eastern Montana coal mine spoils / 1980
Mine drainage control from metal mines in a subalpine environment : a feasibility study / 1978
Modeling the transport, speciation, and fate of heavy metals in aquatic systems / 1984
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