Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Accounting)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Environmental accounting resource listing : revised March 1996. 1996
Environmental accounting using emergy : evaluation of Minnesota / 2009
Environmental accounting using Emergy : evaluation of Minnesota / 2009
Environmental Accounting Using Emergy: Evaluation of the State of West Virginia. 2005
Environmental cost accounting and capital budgeting : handouts to accompany videotape seminar : sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Design for the Environment Program and the National Institute of Standard and Technology's Manufacturing Extension Partnership. 1995
Environmental cost accounting and capital budgeting for small and midsized manufacturers / 1995
Environmental cost accounting and capital budgeting for small to midsized manufacturers : handouts to accompany videotape seminar, December 1995 / 1996
Environmental cost accounting and capital budgeting for small to midsized manufacturers : handouts to accompany videotape seminar, December 1995 : sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Design for the Environment Program and the National Institute of Standard and Technology's Manufacturing Extension Partnership. 1996
Environmental cost accounting and capital budgeting [videorecording] / 1995
Environmental cost accounting for capital budgeting : a benchmark survey of management accountants / 1995
Environmental Cost Accounting for Capital Budgeting: A Benchmark Survey of Management Accountants. 1995
Environmental cost accounting for chemical & oil companies : a benchmarking study / 1997
Environmental liabilities : long-term fiscal planning hampered by control weaknesses and uncertainties in the federal government's estimates : report to Congressional Requesters / 2006
Environmental liability : property and casualty insurer disclosure of environmental liabilities : report to the Chairman, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1993
Environmental management accounting policies and linkages / 2002
Environmental protection : bibliography of GAO documents, August 1988-April 1990 / 1990
Environmental Protection Agency Audit Guide for Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Programs. Revised September 2002. 2002
Environmental Protection Issue Area Plan for fy 1987-1990 1986
EPA Complied with Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act Requirements / 2018
EPA financial capability guidebook. 1984
EPA financial capability guidebook. 1984
EPA Not Fully Compliant With Overtime Policies / 2015
EPA OIG not fully compliant with OIG policy on time and attendance reporting / 2015
EPA OIG not fully compliant with overtime policies / 2015
EPA's environmental accounting network directory / 1996
EPA's financial management status report and five-year plan : FY 1994-1999. 1994
EPA's FY 1993 annual financial statements. 1994
EPA-FMFIA EPA's implementation of the Federal Manager's Financial Integrity Act : report to the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency / 1985
Financial accounting 1979
Financial accounting : basic concepts / 1977
Financial capability guidebook. 1983
Financial handbook for federal executives and managers. 1991
Financial impact of the proposed and revised sulfur dioxide regulations in the state of Ohio : 1976
Financial Integrity Act : continuing efforts needed to improve internal control and accounting systems. 1987
Financial management : DOD's liability for aircraft disposal can be estimated : report to the Secretary of Defense / 1997
Financial management : DOD's liability for missile disposal can be estimated / 1998
Financial management : DOD's liability for the disposal of conventional ammunition can be estimated : report to the Secretary of Defense / 1997
Financial management : factors to consider in estimating environmental liabilities for removing hazardous materials in nuclear submarines and ships / 1997
Financial management evaluation handbook 1989
Financial management system for publicly owned treatment works (accounting options). 1984
Full cost accounting for municipal solid waste management : a handbook. 1997
Full cost accounting in action : case studies of six solid waste management agencies. 1998
Fund control : your office - your money. 1974
FY 1996 audited financial statements / 1997
FY 1999 audited financial statements. 2000
GAO thesaurus / 1995
Government contract accounting 1985
Grants Administration Manual. 1976
Guidance for use of the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund. 1997
Health reports 0
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