Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 151 - 200
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Accounting)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Health reports. 1992
Healthy Hospitals: Environmental Improvements through Environmental Accounting. 2000
Improvements Needed in EPA's Efforts to Replace Its Core Financial System. Audit Report. 2010
Improvements needed to ensure EPA terminates exceptions to biweekly pay limits at completion of emergency response work. 2015
Indexes for abstracts of reports and testimony 1992
Instructions for Performing the Annual Allocation of Non-Site-Specific Costs. 1999
Integrated environmental and economic accounting : interim version / 1993
Integrated Safeguards Experiment. Third Quarterly Report, December 1970-March 1971. 1971
Internal control guidance for managers and coordinators : a guide to successful implementation of FMFIA. 1988
Introduction to management accounting / 1990
Key asset data for drinking water and wastewater utilities / 2012
Land use bibliography references to reports and other documents issued by the U.S. General Accounting Office, RCED, January 1979-December 1982. 1983
Legal thesaurus. 1987
Logistics partner 2.0.11 tool : getting started guide, 2011 data year - United States version. part 1 / 2012
Logistics partner 2.0.12 tool : data entry and troubleshooting guide, 2012 data year - United States version / 2013
LUST trust fund cost accounting system : version 1.1, users' guide. 1991
Major management challenges and program risks : Environmental Protection Agency / 1999
Major management challenges and program risks : Environmental Protection Agency / 2001
Making solid (waste) decisions with full cost accounting. 1996
Managing your utility's money : the participant's manual / 1991
Managing your utility's money : the trainer's manual / 1991
Manual: Grants Administration. 1972
Membership form for US EPA's Environmental Accounting Network. 1997
Meteorological and Air Quality Impacts of Heat Island Mitigation Measures in Three U.S. Cities. 2000
Miller GAAP guide, 1997 a comprehensive restatement of current promulgated generally accepted accounting principles / 1997
Miller GAAS guide. 1994
Miller governmental GAAP guide. 1994
National income and economic accounting 1969
National Stream Quality Accounting Network (NASQUAN)--some questions and answers 1975
Natural resource accounting and sustainable watershed management : with illustrations for the Upper Mississippi River Watershed / 1995
Nature's numbers : expanding the national economic accounts to include the environment / 1999
New procedures aided Region 5 in reducing unliquidated obligations / 2013
Personal Property Accounting System. 1979
Planning water supply : cost-rate differentials and plumbing permits / 1978
Policy and procedures manual for guidance of Federal agencies. 1979
Political economy of environment. Problems of method. 1972
Pollution Prevention Educational Resource Compendium: Accounting 1995
Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: New Publications, Spring 1998 1998
Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: New Publications, Spring 1999 1999
Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: New Publications, Spring 2000 2000
Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: New Publications, Summer 1998 1998
Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse: Winter 2001, New Publications 2001
Principles of accounting 2002
Principles of accounting 1999
Principles of federal appropriations law / 2004
Process design, performance and economic analysis handbook biological wastewater treatment processes 1977
Productivity improvement program / 1988
Quality Control Review of Leland O'Neal, CPA, Single Audit for Town of Worthington, West Virginia, for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2004. 2009
Quantitative data analysis an introduction / 1992
Removal response reporting : OCS reports. 1994
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