Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Accident Prevention)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A feasibility demonstration of an aerial surveillance spill prevention system / 1972
Accident Epidemiology and the RMP Rule: Learning from a Decade of Accident History Data for the U.S. Chemical Industry. 2007
Anti-Slip Studs for Safety Footwear. 1970
Assessment of the Incentives Created by Public Disclosure of Off-Site Consequence Analysis Information for Reduction in the Risk of Accidental Releases. 2008
Chemical Accident Prevention: Site Security. Chemical Safety Alert. 2000
Chemical accident risks in U.S. industry : a preliminary analysis of accident risk data from U.S. hazardous chemical facilities / by James C. Belke. 2000
Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention in Indian Country. Fact Sheet. 2002
Chemical process hazard review : based on a symposium cosponsored by the Division of Chemical Health and Safety and the Industrial Division of the National Safety Council at the 187th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, St. Louis, Missouri, April 8-13, 1984 / 1985
Chemical Safety Audit Program: FY 1995 Status Report. 1996
Chemical Safety Audit Program: FY 1996 Status Report. 1997
Chemical Safety Audit Program: FY 1997 Status Report. 1998
Chemical Safety Audit Program: FY 1998 Status Report. 1998
Chemical Safety Audit Program: FY 1999 Status Report. 1999
Chemical Safety Audits (165.19) (Training Manual). 1995
Chemical Safety Audits. 1994
Community Right-to-Know and Emergency Planning: Using Computers to Conduct Hazards Analysis. 1988
Computer Oriented Stability Analysis of Reservoir Slopes. 1971
CRC handbook of laboratory safety 2000
CRC handbook of laboratory safety. 1995
Criteria for review of hazardous materials emergency plans / 1988
Development of an emergency response program for transportation of hazardous waste / 1979
Documentation and Analysis for Prevention and Control of Hazardous Material Spills. 1986
Emergency planning for municipal wastewater treatment facilities / 1974
Encouragement of Technological Change for Preventing Chemical Accidents: Moving Firms from Secondary Prevention and Mitigation to Primary Prevention. 1993
EPA Ensures Oversight of Worker Safety and Health at Superfund Incinerator Sites. 1993
EPA health and safety training for underground storage tank inspectors : student's guide. 1992
EPA Region X guidance manual for the development of an accidental spill prevention program 1986
Evaluation of an Injury Reporting and Information System for the Solid Waste Industry. Volume I. 1979
Evaluation of an Injury Reporting and Information System for the Solid Waste Industry. Volume II: Data Analyses. 1979
Evaluation of an Injury Reporting and Information System for the Solid Waste Industry. Volume III: Publications. 1979
General Guidance on Risk Management Programs for Chemical Accident Prevention (40 CFR Part 68). RMP Series. 2004
Guidelines on Risk Management and Accident Prevention in the Chemical Industry. 1986
Guiding Principles for Chemical Accident Prevention, Preparedness and Response. 1993
Guiding principles for chemical accident prevention, preparedness, and response : guidance for public authorities, industry, labour and others for the establishment of programmes and policies related to prevention of, preparedness for, and response to accidents involving hazardous substances. 1992
Handbook of laboratory safety. Editor: Norman V. Steere. 1971
Hazardous material spills : a documentation and analysis of historical data / 1978
Hazardous materials response handbook / 1997
Hazards to and Protection of Individuals Who Mix or Apply Pesticides. 1971
Health and Safety Training for Underground Storage Tank Inspectors. Instructor's Guide. 1992
Identification of pollution prevention (P2) technologies for possible inclusion in enforcement agreements using supplemental environmental projects (SEPs) and injunctive relief : final report. 1997
Injury reporting and information system field test. 1975
Injury Reporting and Information System Field Test. Volume II. Tabulation of Data. 1975
Interim guidance for the determination of significant and substantial harm facilities for oil pollution act response plans. 1994
Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants : benzotriazoles : final report / 1977
Making it work : Title III compliance ; the public's right-to-know. 1991
Managing your hazardous waste : a guide for small businesses. 2002
Methods for the determination of inorganic substances in environmental samples / 1993
Occupational health & safety. 1976
Of acceptable risk : science and the determination of safety / 1976
Pesticide Safety and Training Materials Catalog (Catalogo de Materiales Educativos y Proteccion Sobre Pesticidas). 1989
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