Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Snowmelt)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Tribal guide to the Section 319(h) nonpoint source grant program. 1994
Acidic Episodes in Surface Waters in Europe. 1992
Acute Effects of Stream Acidification on the Diversity of Macroinvertebrate Drift. 1982
Agricultural runoff and reservoir drawdown effects on a 2760-hectare reservoir / 1982
Characterizing the Distribution of Observed Precipitation and Runoff over the Continental United States. 1992
Chemical impact of snow dumping practices 1974
Climatic Sensitivity of California Water Resources. 1991
Development of Forest Management Practices for Increasing Snowpack Water Yield. 1972
Effect of Snowmelt on the Water Quality of Filson Creek and Omaday Lake, Northeastern Minnesota. 1981
Effective Stormwater Management Programs: Case Studies of Local Government Experiences in Southeast Michigan. 1981
Effects of Experimental Acidification in Macroinvertebrate Drift Diversity in a Mountain Stream. 1982
Eighth Annual Report of the Water Resources Research Institute of the University of Wyoming, August 1, 1972 1972
Episodic Acidification and Associated Fish and Aquatic Invertebrate Responses in Four Catskill Mountain Streams: An Interim Report of the Episodic Response Project. 1991
Episodic Acidification of Adirondack Lakes during Snowmelt. 1990
Episodic Acidification of Freshwater Systems in Canada: Physical and Geochemical Processes. 1993
Evaluation of Sediment and Phosphorus Management Practices in the White Clay Lake Watershed. 1983
Fourche Creek Urban Runoff Project. Volume 2. Main Report. 1983
Future Direction of Urban Water Models. 1976
Generalized Soft Water Acidification Model. 1988
Hydrologic Characterization of Forested Watersheds in Arizona. 1971
Hydrologic Model of the Bear River Basin. 1970
Hydrologic Sensitivities of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Basin, California, to Global Warming. 1990
HYDROSIM. Computerized Graphical Stream Hydrograph Simulation. 1971
Importance of Hydrogen Ions and Aluminium in Regulating the Structure and Function of Steam Ecosystems: An Experimental Test. 1987
Management of Windblown Alpine Snows. 1972
Manual on Collection of Hydrologic Data for Urban Drainage Design. 1973
Modeling of Long-Term Lake Alkalinity Responses to Acid Deposition. 1989
Modeling pesticides and nutrients on agricultural lands / 1976
Modeling Snowmelt Runoff in an Arctic Coastal Plain. 1974
Modelling Epicodic Acidification of Surface Waters: The State of Science. 1992
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Administration), Washtenaw County, Michigan. Evaluation of Urban Stormwater Runoff and Management Practices for Controlling Urban Stormwater Runoff: Summary Report. 1983
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Austin, Texas. Appendix H - Public Participation. Addenda to the Final Report. July 1979-January 1983. 1983
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Austin, Texas. Executive Summary of the Final Report. July 1979-January 1983. 1983
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Austin, Texas. Final Report. July 1979-January 1983. 1983
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Bellevue Urban Runoff Program, Washington: Summary Report. 1984
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Kansas City Area Project: Executive and Technical Summaries. 1983
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Kansas City Area Project: Technical Report. 1983
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Priority Pollutant Analysis: Final Report. 1982
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, SEMCOG (Southeast Michigan Council of Governments)/Oakland County, Technical Report. 1983
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, the Long Island Segment, Long Island Regional Planning Board, Hauppauge, New York. 1982
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Upper Mystic Lake Watershed Urban Runoff Project: Appendices B-F. 1982
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Upper Mystic Lake Watershed Urban Runoff Project: Main Report. 1982
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Upper Mystic Lake Watershed Urban Runoff Project: Summary. 1982
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Upper Mystic Lake Watershed: Case Study. 1982
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Washington, DC. Area Urban Runoff Project: Seneca Creek Watershed Management Study. Volume 1. 1983
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program, Winston-Salem, North Carolina: An Evaluation of Street Sweeping as a Runoff Pollution Control. 1983
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program. Relationship of Urban Runoff to Land Use and Groundwater Resources. 1984
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program. Urban Runoff Control in Rapid City, South Dakota: Appendix A. 1983
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program. Urban Runoff Control in Rapid City, South Dakota: Executive Summary. 1984
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program. Urban Runoff Control in Rapid City, South Dakota: Final Report. 1983
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