Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 133
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Electric vehicles)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1994 hybrid electric vehicle challenge. 1995
2002 Future Car Congress proceedings June 3-5, 2002, Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia : on the road to energy efficient vehicles / [electronic resource] : 2002
A glance at clean freight strategies : hybrid powertrain technology. 2004
Advanced battery technology 2009. 2009
Advanced battery technology, 2010 / 2010
Advanced hybrid vehicle powertrain technology. 2002
Advanced hybrid vehicle powertrains 2003. 2003
Advanced hybrid vehicle powertrains 2004. 2004
Advanced hybrid vehicle powertrains, 2007. 2007
Advanced hybrid vehicle powertrains, 2009. 2009
Advanced hybrid vehicle powertrains, 2010 / 2010
Advanced hybrid vehicle powertrains. 2001
Advancements in electric and hybrid electric vehicle technology. 1994
Alternative fuel vehicles : a guidebook for local governments. 1997
Alternative fuels and technologies, 2013. 2013
Alternatives to traditional transportation fuels 1993. 1995
Alternatives to traditional transportation fuels 1994. 1996
Alternatives to traditional transportation fuels : an overview. 1994
An analytic foundation for the Toyota Prius THS-II powertrain with a comparison to a strong parallel hybrid-electric powertrain / 2006
An approach to the analysis of the ar quality impact of electric vehicles (U) / 1974
An investigation into constraints to sustainable vehicle ownership : a focus group study / 2011
An overview of photovoltaic and battery applications / 1989
Analysis of power-split HEV control strategies using data from several vehicles / 2007
Assessment of costs and benefits of flexible and alternative fuel use in the U.S. transportation sector Vehicle and fuel distribution requirements. 1990
Automotive Propulsion. Final Report: Automotive Propulsion Systems Pilot Study (Propulsion Automobile. Rapport Final: Etude Pilote de Systemes Propulseurs Automobiles). 1978
Battery Electric Vehicle Energy Consumption and Range Test Procedure / 2017
Build your own electric vehicle / 1994
Chevrolet Volt : development story of the pioneering electrified vehicle / 2011
Clean Air Car Race - 1970. 1971
Clean alternative fuels : electric vehicles. 2002
Clean fuels and electric vehicles report. 1996
Comparative analysis of automotive powertrain choices for the next 25 years / 2007
Comparison of powertrain configuration for plug-in HEVs from a fuel economy perspective / 2008
Consultant Report on an Evaluation of Catalytic Converters for Control of Automobile Exhaust Pollutants. 1974
Consultant Report on Emissions and Fuel-Economy Test Methods and Procedures. 1974
Consultant Report on Emissions Control of Engine Systems. 1974
Consultant Report on Field Performance of Emissions-Controlled Automobiles. 1974
Consultant Report on Manufacturability and Costs of Proposed Low-Emissions Automotive Engine Systems. 1974
Cost and Emission Studies of a Heat Engine/Battery Hybrid Family Car. 1972
Design innovations in electric and hybrid electric vehicles. 1995
Development of high-energy batteries for electric vehicles : progress report for the period July 1970-June 1971 / 1971
Development of High-Energy Batteries for Electric Vehicles. 1971
Development of High-Energy Batteries for Electric Vehicles. 1970
Driving emissions to zero : are the benefits of California's zero emission vehicle program worth the costs? / 2002
Ecological and biomedical effects of effluents from near-term electric vehicle storage battery cycles / 1980
Electric and hybrid vehicle advancements. 1993
Electric and hybrid vehicle design studies. 1997
Electric and hybrid vehicle progress. 1981
Electric and hybrid vehicle technology. 1992
Electric and hybrid vehicles 1979
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