Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Demineralizing)

Select Item Title Year Published
1971 Annual Review of Literature. Waste Water Treatment Physical and Chemical Methods. 1972
Advanced Waste Treatment and Water Reuse Symposium Held at Cleveland Engineering and Scientific Center, Cleveland, Ohio, on March 30-31, 1971. Volume II. 1971
Advanced Waste Treatment Seminar, Session IV, Combined Treatment and Applications, Held at San Francisco, on October 28-29, 1970. 1970
Application of Hyperfiltration to Treatment of Municipal Sewage Effluents. 1970
Bioflocculation and the accumulation of chemicals by floc-forming organisms / 1975
Demineralization of carbon-treated secondary effluent by spiral-wound reverse osmosis process / 1978
Demineralization of wastewater by electrodialysis / 1975
Desal Ion Exchange for Demineralization at Santee, California. 1973
Economic and Institutional Analysis of Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse Projects. 1971
Mathematical Model of the Electrodialysis Process. 1969
Membrane Materials for Wastewater Reclamation by Reverse Osmosis. 1970
Method of Demineralization using Strongly Basic Ion Exchange Resins. 1972
New Technology for Treatment of Wastewater by Reverse Osmosis. 1970
Nitrate removal from water supplies by ion exchange / 1978
Pilot Plant Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage by Reverse Osmosis. 1983
Point-of-Use Treatment of Drinking Water in San Ysidro, NM. 1989
Public Attitudes Toward Reuse of Reclaimed Water. 1972
Removal of Arsenic from Drinking Water by Conventional Treatment Methods. 1993
Renovation of Municipal Wastewater by Reverse Osmosis. 1970
Study and Experiments in Waste Water Reclamation by Reverse Osmosis. 1970
Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage by Reverse Osmosis. 1970
Treatment of acid mine drainage by the alumina-lima-soda process / 1976
Treatment of Ferrous Acid Mine Drainage with Activated Carbon. 1973
Use of Improved Membranes in Tertiary Treatment by Reverse Osmosis. 1970
Wastewater demineralization by two-stage fixed-bed ion exchange process / 1977

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