Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Method of Demineralization using Strongly Basic Ion Exchange Resins.
Author Midkif, William S. ;
CORP Author New Mexico State Univ., University Park. Engineering Experiment Station.
Year Published 1972
Report Number OWRR-A-033-NMEX; 14679,; OWRR-A-033-NMEX(1)
Stock Number PB-212 272
Additional Subjects ( Desalting ; Ion exchanging) ; ( Houses ; Water treatment) ; Performance evaluation ; Cation exchanging ; Demineralizing ; Water softening ; Brackish water ; Carboxylic acids ; Regeneration(Engineering) ; Ion exchange resins ;
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-212 272 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 57p
A new approach to demineralization of marginally brackish waters for individual domestic use has been proposed. An engineering evaluation of the use of various cation exchange resins is given. Primarily the report presents the test results for various commercial resins. The investigation suggests that partial demineralization using a weak acid - weak base ion exchange system should offer simplicity and economy. In order to be satisfactory for domestic use, water need not be completely demineralized, however, in many cases it is desirable to provide more extensive treatment than hardness removal by sodium exchange. A system composed of a weakly acidic ion exchange column in hydrogen ion form and a weakly basic ion exchange column in hydroxide ion form was found to remove an increment of multivalent anions and cations and replace them with an equivalent amount of water.