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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Cloud physics)

Select Item Title Year Published
31st Conference on Radar Meteorology : 6-12 August 2003 / 2003
Aerosol--cloud--climate interactions 1993
An outline of the formation of low clouds and fog owing to radiational cooling = Skema obrazovnaiia nizkikh oblakov i tumanov pod vliianiem radiatsionnogo okhlazhdeniia / 1961
Artificial control of clouds and hydrometeors : report of a working group of the Commission for Aerology / 1955
Artificial stimulation of rain; 1957
Atmospheric aerosol- and trace-gas-washout 1966
Cloud Chamber Study of Water Evaporation. 1972
Cloud Condensation Nuclei Measurements within Clouds. 1984
Cloud dynamics 1976
Cloud multi-phase processes and high alpine air and snow chemistry : ground-based cloud experiments and pollutant deposition in the high Alps / 1997
Clouds : models and mechanisms. 1995
Clouds and storms : the behavior and effect of water in the atmosphere / 1980
Clouds, their formation, optical properties, and effects 1981
Effects of numbers, sizes and crystal structures on measurements of ice hydrometeors / 1990
Elements of change, 1994 : climate-radiation feedbacks : the current state of the science. 1995
Elements of cloud physics. 1965
Estimating cloud paramters [i.e. parameters] for NEROS I / 1982
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the coalescence of liquid drops / 1967
Fast and Efficient Version of the TwO-Moment Aerosol Sectional (TOMAS) Global Aerosol Microphysics Model. 2012
Global tracer transport models : proceedings of a WCRP workshop on modelling the transport and scavenging of trace constituents by clouds in global atmospheric models (Cambridge, UK, 1-4 August 1995) / 1999
International cloud physics conference {proceedings} 1976
Investigation of the Effects of Urbanization on Precipitation Type, Frequency, Areal and Temporal Distribution. 1971
Meteorological challenges: a history 1972
Microphysics of clouds and precipitation 1978
Microphysics of clouds and precipitation / 1997
Non-precipitating cumulus cloud study / 1984
Parametric methodologies of cloud vertical transport for acid deposition models / 1988
Parametric methodologies of cloud vertical transport for acid deposition models / 1988
Physics of clouds, 1971
Plan for a Research Program on Aerosol Radiative Forcing and Climate Change. 1996
Potential Contribution of Sulfate Production in Cumulus Cloud Droplets to Ground Level Particle Sulfur Concentrations. 1987
Proceedings of the International Conference on Cloud Physics August 26-30, 1968, Toronto, Canada. 1968
Report of the proceedings of the Colloquium and Workshop on Multiscale Coupled Modeling / 1993
Representation of Nucleation Mode Microphysics in a Global Aerosol Model with Sectional Microphysics. 2013
Research on the Optical State of the Atmosphere. 1972
Short course in cloud physics 1976
Symposium on the Role of Clouds in Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Climate, January 30-February 3, 1989, Anaheim, Calif. 1988
The application of atmospheric electricity concepts and methods to other parts of meteorology / 1978
The physics of clouds. 1957
Thermodynamics of clouds. 1963
Tracer Studies of Transport and Transformation in Cumuli. 1995
Urban-induced influences on convective cloud activity / 1972
Use of scattering techniques in cloud microphysics research. I, The aureole method / 1970
Weather Modification: Precipitation Inducement. A Bibliography. 1973
Workshop on Cloud Processes and Cloud Feedbacks in Large-scale Models, European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts, Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom, 9-13 November 1999 / 2000

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