Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
"The Cleanosaurus" : a benthos harvester 1974
Action of water on lead with special reference to the supply of drinking water summary of existing knowledge. 1934
Age, growth, and mortality of juvenile Atlantic salmon in streams : a review 1987
Air of towns. 1896
An evaluation of progressive trenching as a technique for dewatering fine-grained dredged material : final report / 1977
Aquatic toxicity of pulp and paper mill effluent : a review / 1987
Asphalt handbook. 1965
Assessment of kraft bleachery effluent toxicity reduction using activated sludge 1977
Assessment of the arctic marine environment : selected topics 1976
Atmospheric radiation tables, 1960
Bathymetric survey of the proposed Church Creek Power Plant site 1979
Benzene: toluene and zylene: styrene. 1972
Biological survey of the Champlain watershed : Supplemental to Nineteenth annual report, 1929 / 1930
Branched molecules 1953
Cancer incidence in defined populations 1980
Characterization and treatability of drainage samples from coal piles at steam electric power stations / 1982
Chemical dosage control for phosphorus removal 1973
Chlorination of wastewater 1976
Cleaning up : the cost of refinery pollution control / 1975
Concentrating whey by hyperfiltration at a small Canadian cheese plant / 1983
Conference on Federal-State Implementation of Public Law 90-602 : March 24-28, 1969, Montgomery, Alabama : {proceedings} 1970
Construction of f/H maps and comparison of measured deep-sea motions with the f/H map for the North Atlantic Ocean. 1969
Critical areas in the Potomac River basin : a review of water pollution control in 1975 1976
Data on public water supplies in Michigan 1960
Design of wastewater and stormwater pumping stations prepared by Task Force on Pumping Stations. 1981
Douglas Point, a study of circulation and mixing. 1975
Drying potato wastes for animal feed as an alternative disposal method 1977
Dynamical prediction of wind tides on Lake Erie. 1963
Effects of exposure to time excess temperature histories typically experienced at power plants on the hatching success of fish eggs. 1973
Electric utility industry; 0
Evaluation of mercury, lead, cadmium and the food additives amaranth, diethylpyrocarbonate, and octyl gallate. 1972
Evaluation of oil spill barriers and deployment techniques for the St. Clair - Detroit River System 1976
Evaluation of the "Lectro Clear Z" electrocoagulation process for meat packing wastewater treatment / 1982
Evaluation of water bleeder controls / 1983
Evaporation study at Sharp Station Pond near Baton Rouge, Louisiana 1969
Experimental burning of waste oil as a fuel in cement manufacture 1975
Exploration camp wastewater characterization and treatment plant assesment [sic] / 1981
Factors regulating calcium and strontium accumulation in Daphnia magna 1969
Feasibility of the functional use of vegetation to filter, dewater, and remove contaminants from dredged material : final report / 1976
Feasibility study of oil tagging by halogenerated polyaromatics 1974
Field operations manual, version 1, 1969
Fluids in subsurface environments, a symposium. 1965
Forest pest management report : western spruce budworm suppression and evaluation project using carbaryl, 1980. 1981
Gazetteer of Louisiana lakes and reservoirs, 1970
General theory of association 1955
Geohydrology of the Milford area, Delaware 1982
Geologic map of the White Marsh quadrangle, Maryland 1976
Geology and ground water resources, Barnes County, North Dakota. 1964
Geology and ground-water resources of Webster County, Iowa. 1955
Ground-water resources of the Battle Creek area, Michigan 1966
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