Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (AUTHOR=West AND M AND S)

Select Item Title Year Published
Animal Performance, Carcass Quality, and Tissue Residues with Beef Steers Fed Forage Sorghum Silages Grown on Soil Treated with Liquid Digested Sludge. 1981
Basic corrosion and oxidation 1980
Circulating Antibody Response of Mice Exposed to 9-GHz Pulsed Microwave Radiation. 1986
Conditions Influencing Yield and Analysis of 8-Hydroxy-2' -Deoxyguanosine in Oxidatively Damaged DNA. 1990
Control of Waterborne 'Campylobacter jejuni' by Chlorine Disinfection. 1984
Geomicrobiology of the Drigg research site 1990
Ground water in Mason and Putnam Counties, West Virginia, 1966
How to mine and prospect for placer gold / 1971
Hydroxyl Free Radical Mediated Formation of 8-Hydroxyguanine in Isolated DNA (Journal Version). 1988
Increased 8-Hydroxyguanine Content of Chloroplast DNA from Ozone-Treated Plants. 1989
Influences of sulphate reducing bacteria on 137Cs sorption and their tolerances in nutrient depleted natural materials a preliminary study / 1986
Occurrence and availability of ground water in Ohio county, West Virginia 1964
Preliminary review of adaptation options for climate-sensitive ecosystems and resources : final report / 2008
Report on pollution in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California-Nevada / 1966
Report on Pollution of Interstate Waters of the Blackstone and Ten Mile Rivers, Massachusetts-Rhode Island. 1964
Report on Pollution of Interstate Waters of the Mouth of the Savannah River Georgia-South Carolina. 1964
Report on Pollution of the Interstate Waters of the Menominee and Brule Rivers, Michigan-Wisconsin. 1963
State and federal electronic government in the United States, 2008 [electronic resource] / 2008
The Future of Aging Pathways to Human Life Extension / [electronic resource] : 2010
The Global biogeochemical sulphur cycle / 1983
The reporter's environmental handbook / 1995
Western water flows to the cities : a sourcebook / 1985

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