Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 8
Showing: Items 1 - 8
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Wastler AND T AND A)

Select Item Title Year Published
A report on sea-level monitoring of the incineration of organic chloride waste by M/T Vulcanus in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Shell waste burn no. 2 / 1975
Application of spectral analysis to stream and estuary field surveys : I. Individual power spectra / 1963
Disposal of organochlorine wastes by incineration at sea / 1975
Estuarine and Marine Pollution (Selected Studies). 1961
Estuarine and marine pollution : selected studies on biological, bacteriological, and physical aspects, with major emphasis on the United States literature / 1961
National Estuarine Inventory : handbook of descriptors / 1968
Report on Pollution of Interstate Waters of the Mouth of the Savannah River Georgia-South Carolina. 1964
Spectral analysis : applications in water pollution control / 1969

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