Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 759
Showing: Items 451 - 500

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Select Item Title Year Published
Microbial transport through porous media : the effects of hydraulic conductivity and injection velocity / 1992
Microfauna of basal Midway outcrops near Hope, Arkansas 1951
Midwest Interstate Sulfur Transformation and Transport Project : aerial measurements of urban and power plant plumes, Summer 1974 / 1976
Mine spoil potentials for water quality and controlled erosion / 1972
Mineral resources of Wyoming 1966
Minimum shell thickness requirements for tanks / 1984
Minnesota lake water quality assessment report 1988
Minnesota lake water quality assessment report 1990
MOBILE4 sensitivity analysis / 1991
MOBILE4 sensitivity analysis : final report / 1991
Mobilization of Aviation Gasoline from a Residual Source. 1989
Modeling of in situ techniques for treatment of contaminated soils : soil vapor extraction, sparging, and bioventing / 1995
Modern Russian dictionary for English speakers : English-Russian 1982
Molecular biology of the cell / 2015
Molecular biology of the cell / 2008
Molecular biology of the cell : the problems book / 1989
Molecular vibrations : the theory of infrared and Raman vibrational spectra / 1955
Monitored natural attenuation of MTBE as a risk management option at leaking underground storage tank sites / 2005
Monitored natural attenuation of tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) in ground water at gasoline spill sites / 2007
Monitored natural attenuation of tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA) in ground water at gasoline spill sites. [electronic resource] 2007
Monitoring in the vadose zone : a review of technical elements and methods / 1980
Monitoring Program to Assess Environmental Changes in Tampa Bay, Florida. 1994
Monte Carlo Simulation of Daily Regional Sulfur Distribution: Comparison with SURE Sulfate Data and Visual Range Observations during August 1977. 1981
Monthly Variation in Phosphate and Related Chemicals Found in the Sediment in the Island Area of Lake Erie, 1967-68, with Reference to Samples Collected in 1964, 1965, and 1966. 1970
Multiple stresses in ecosystems / 1998
Municipal sewage effluent for irrigation : [papers presented at a symposium held at Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, July 30, 1968] / 1968
Mutational Risks in Females: Genomic Imprinting and Maternal Molecules. 1992
N.M.R. techniques and applications in geochemistry and soil chemistry 1987
National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP) Utility Reference File, 1980. 1986
National Body-Burden Database: Chemicals Identified in Animals, 1985-1986: Volume 5, Part 1. 1987
National Body-Burden Database: Chemicals Identified in Animals, 1985-1986: Volume 5, Part 2. 1987
National Body-Burden Database: Chemicals Identified in Animals, 1985-1986: Volume 5, Part 3. 1987
National Body-Burden Database: Chemicals Identified in Animals, 1985-1986: Volume 5, Part 4. 1987
National Body-Burden Database: Chemicals Identified in Humans, 1985-1986: Volume 8. 1987
National costs of the Total Maximum Daily Load program (draft report) : support document #2 for "The national costs of the total maximum daily load program (draft report)" / 2001
National costs of the Total Maximum Daily Load program : support document #1 for "The national costs of the total maximum daily load program (draft report)" / 2001
Natural Attenuation MTBE. 2001
Natural attenuation of MTBE in the subsurface under methanogenic conditions / 2000
Natural attenuation of the lead scavengers 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB) and 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) at motor fuel release sites and implications for risk management / 2008
Natural attenuation of the lead scavengers 1,2-dibromoethane (EDB) and 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) at motor fuel release sites and implications for risk management / 2008
Natural bioattenuation of trichloroethene at the Saint Joseph, Michigan Superfund Site. 1995
Natural Bioreclamation of Alkylbenzenes (BTEX) from a Gasoline Spill in Methanogenic Groundwater. 1994
Naturalist / 1994
New membranes for treating metal finishing effluents by reverse osmosis / 1976
New Metabolite of Chlorpyrifos: Isolation and Identification. 1977
New sulfur dioxide-free process for recovering lead from battery scrap 1976
Nitrate for biorestoration of an aquifer contaminated with jet fuel / 1991
Northglenn water management program, City of Northglenn, Colorado : final environmental impact statement / 1980
Northglenn water management program, City of Northglenn, Colorado : final environmental impact statement, appendix / 1980
Occurrence of and Trends in Selected Sediment-Associated Contaminants in Caddo Lake, East Texas, 1940-2002. 2003
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