Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 759
Showing: Items 301 - 350

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Select Item Title Year Published
Free-living copepoda of fresh and brackish waters of North America : [final research report] / 1972
Fugitive Dust Emission Study for the City of Albuquerque. 1979
Full Scale Field Demonstration on the Use of Hydrogen Peroxide for In situ Bioremediation of an Aviation Gasoline-Contaminated Aquifer (Chapter 16). 1994
Future coal prospects : country and regional assessments 1980
Future environmental problems : an overview of underlying trends / 1980
Gas Chromatography/Matrix Isolation-Infrared Spectrometry for the Identification of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Urban Air Particulate Matter. 1989
General effects of drought on water resources of the Southwest / 1964
Geochemical Indicators of Anaerobic Biodegradation of BTEX. 1992
Geochemical Partitioning of Pb, Zn, Cu, Fe, and Mn Across the Sediment-Water Interface in Large Lakes. 1989
Geohydrologic reconnaissance of the upper Potomac River basin / 1975
Geohydrology, Water Quality, and Simulation of Ground-Water Flow in the Vicinity of a Former Waste-Oil Refinery near Westville, Indiana, 1997-2000. 2002
Geologic characteristics of sediment-and volcanic-hosted disseminated gold deposits : search for an occurrence model / 1985
Geologic map of the Dick Creek Lakes, Dunrud Peak, Francs Peak, Noon Point, and Twin Peaks Quadrangles, Fremont, Hot Springs, and Park Counties, Wyoming / 1982
Geologic studies in Alaska by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1999 2001
Geology and ground-water resources of the Matanuska Valley agricultural area, Alaska / 1960
Geology and hydrologic assessment of coastal plain aquifers in the Waldorf area, Charles County, Maryland 1990
Geology and petroleum of McIntosh County Oklahoma part 1. Geology and mineral resources of McIntosh County, 1967
GIS Analysis to Assess where Shallow Ground Water Supplies in the United States are Vulnerable to Contamination by Releases of Motor Fuel from Underground Storage Tanks. 2011
Graphic arts : an AP-42 update 1979
Green building products : the GreenSpec guide to residential building materials / 2005
Green chemistry in California : a framework for leadership in chemicals policy and innovation / 2006
GreenSpec directory : product directory with guideline specifications / 2003
Ground water a non-technical guide / 1982
Ground water in the flood-plain alluvium of the Brazos River, Whitney Dam to vicinity of Richmond, Texas 1967
Ground Water Issue Paper: Synthesis Report on State of Understanding of Chlorinated Solvent Transformation. 2013
Ground-water appraisal of Santa Ynez River basin, Santa Barbara County, California, 1945-52 / 1959
Ground-water conditions in the central Virgin River basin, Utah, 1972
Ground-water resources of Austin and Waller Counties, Texas 1967
Ground-water resources of Coke County, Texas, 1973
Ground-water resources of the Massena-Waddington area, St. Lawrence County, New York : with emphasis on the effect of Lake St. Lawrence on ground water / 1962
Growth Laws for the Formation of Secondary Ambient Aerosols: Implications for Chemical Conversion Mechanisms. 1982
Guidebook for assessing airport lead impacts / 2016
Guidelines for particulate sampling in gaseous effluents from industrial processes / 1979
Habitat development field investigations, Salt Pond No. 3, marsh development site, South San Francisco Bay, California : summary report / 1978
Handbook of solid waste management 1977
Handbook of teratology 1977
Handbook of vadose zone characterization & monitoring / 1995
Hazardous waste planning 1995
Hazardous waste site soil remediation theory and application of innovative technologies / 1994
Hazards evaluation of nuclear facility related transportation accidents / 1973
Haze and Sulfur Emission Trends in the Eastern United States. 1992
Haze Formation -- Its Nature and Origin. 1972
Haze formation : its nature and origin, to Environmental Protection Agency CPA 70-Nog. 172 and Coordinating Research Council CAPA 6-68 / 1972
Health Effects of Central Valley Particulate Matter. 2015
Health effects of fossil fuel burning : assessment and mitigation / 1980
Health effects of fossil fuel burning : assessment and mitigation / 1980
Health hazards from aromatic hydrocarbons; a manual for petroleum refinery managers and safety directors. 1962
Henrici's Molds, yeasts, and actinomycetes, a handbook for students of bacteriology. 1947
Hierarchical Stochastic Model of Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation Patterns and Multiple Station Daily Precipitation. 1992
Historical review of water quality and climatic data from Chesapeake Bay with emphasis on effect of enrichment 1982
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