Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 36
Showing: Items 1 - 36

Select Item Title Year Published
A study of combustor flow computations and comparison with experiment / 1973
Bench scale studies of limestone injection for SO2 control : final report / 1985
Bench-Scale Evaluation of Non-U.S. Coals for NOx Formation Under Excess Air and Staged Combustion Conditions. 1983
Bench-scale process evaluation of reburning and sorbent injection for in-furnace NOx/SOx reduction / 1985
Bench-Scale Process Evaluation of Reburning and Sorbent Injection for In-Furnace NOx/SOx Reduction. 1985
Bench-scale studies to identify process parameters controlling reburning with pulverized coal / 1990
Boiler Simulator Studies on Sorbent Utilization for SO2 Control. 1986
Calcination and Sintering Models for Application to High-Temperature, Short-Time Sulfation of Calcium-Based Sorbents. 1990
Calcination of Calcium-Based Sorbents for Control of SO2 Emissions from Coal Fired Boilers. 1986
Catalytic combustion : a pollution-free means of energy conversion? / 1973
Control of SOx Emissions by In-Furnace Sorbent Injection: Carbonates vs Hydrates. 1985
Effectiveness of selected fuel additives in controlling pollution emissions from residual-oil-fired boilers / 1973
Effects of fuel additives on air pollutant emissions from distillate-oil-fired furnaces / 1971
Effects of Fuel Properties and Atomization Parameters on NOx Control for Heavy Liquid Fuel Fired Package Boilers. 1982
Fate of Coal Nitrogen during Combustion. 1982
Formation and Control of NO Emissions from Coal-Fired Spreader-Stoker Boilers. 1985
Fuel Rich Sulfur Capture in a Combustion Environment. 1992
High Temperature Sulfation Studies in an Isothermal Reactor: A Comparison of Theory and Experiment. 1984
High-Temperature, Short-Time Sulfation of Calcium-Based Sorbents. 1. Theoretical Sulfation Model. 1990
High-Temperature, Short-Time Sulfation of Calcium-Based Sorbents. 2. Experimental Data and Theoretical Model Predictions. 1990
Increased SO2 Removal with the Addition of Alkali Metals and Chromium to Calcium-Based Sorbents. 1988
Influence of Bed-Region Stoichiometry on Nitric Oxide Formation in Fixed-Bed Coal Combustion. 1985
Influence of Coal Composition on the Fate of Volatile and Char Nitrogen during Combustion. 1982
Influence of Fuel Composition on Nitric Oxide Formation in Mass-burning Stokers. 1986
Mechanism of NOx formation and control : alternative and petroleum-derived liquid fuels / 1981
Near-Continuous Measurement of Hydrogen Sulfide and Carbonyl Sulfide by an Automatic Gas Chromatograph. 1991
Nitric Oxide Destruction in the Fuel-Bed Burning Regime of Spreader Stokers. 1987
Pilot scale process evaluation of reburning for in-furnace NOx reduction / 1987
Pilot scale process evaluation of reburning for in-furnace Nox reduction / 1986
Proceedings, Coal Combustion Seminar, June 19-20, 1973, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27711 / 1973
Reactivity study of SO2 control with atmospheric and pressure hydrated sorbents / 1986
Testing of wall-fired furnaces to reduce emissions of NOx and SOx / 1985
Testing of wall-fired furnaces to reduce emissions of NOx and SOx : volume 2. Appendices / 1985
The establishment of design criteria for optimum burners for application to heavy fuel fired package boilers Volume 1. Laboratory scale tests / 1986
The establishment of design criteria for optimum burners for application to heavy fuel fired package boilers Volume 2. pilot scale tests / 1986
Water resources of the Little River basin, Louisiana / 1973

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