Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Air Quality Impacts of Anticipated Development in Oil Shale Operations in Western Colorado and Eastern Utah, Final Report 1981
An evaluation of the disposal of flue gas desulfurization wastes in mines and the ocean : initial assessment / 1977
Application of the empirical kinetic modeling approach to urban areas / 1981
Application of the Empirical Kinetic Modeling Approach to Urban Areas. Volume 3. Philadelphia. 1985
At-sea incineration of herbicide orange onboard the M/T Vulcanus / 1978
At-sea incineration, evaluation of waste flow and combustion gas monitoring instrumentation onboard the M/T Vulcanus / 1979
Comparison of a Modified VOST Sampling Method to Method 0030. 1993
Considerations for preparation of operation and maintenance manuals / 1973
Decline of Red Spruce in the Adirondacks, New York. 1984
Delineating toxic areas by canine olfaction 1986
Delineating toxic areas by canine olfaction / 1985
Delineating toxic areas by canine olfaction : final report / 1985
Destroying chemical wastes in commercial scale incinerators. 1977
Development and Evaluation of a Source Sampling and Analysis Method for Hydrogen Cyanide. 1997
Development of a Chemical Kinetic Mechanism for the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Regional Oxidant Model. 1985
Development of a chemical kinetic mechanism for the U.S. EPA regional oxidant model / 1985
Development of Biotic Integrity Indices for Prairie Streams in Montana Using Fish, Macroinvertebrate, and Diatom Assemblages 2003
Emergency response programs for municipal wastewater treatment facilities : state- local aspects / 1973
Environmental assessment of the at-sea incineration of liquid silvex / 1981
Environmental monitoring : benzene / 1979
Evaluation of a Sampling Method for Acetonitrile Emissions from Stationary Sources. 1997
Evaluation of internally staged coal burners and sorbent jet aerodynamics for combined SO2/NOx control in utility boilers. Volume 1, Testing in a 10 million Btu/hr experimental furnace / 1989
Evaluation of Internally Staged Coal Burners and Sorbent Jet Aerodynamics for Combined SO2/NOx Control in Utility Boilers. Volume 2. Testing in a 100 Million Btu/hr Experimental Furnace. 1989
Factors affecting the long-term response of surface waters to acidic deposition : state-of-the-science / 1986
Field Evaluation of a Modified VOST Sampling Method. 1993
Field test of cyclodextrin for enhanced in-situ flushing of multiple-component immiscible organic liquid contamination : {microform} project overview and initial results / 1998
Guidelines for the disposal of PCBS amd PCB items by thermal destruction / 1981
Gunnison County interindustry spending and employment attributed to fishing at Blue Mesa Reservoir / 1988
Handbook : stream sampling for waste load allocation applications / 1986
Handbook of methods for acid deposition studies : laboratory analyses for soil chemistry / 1990
Hazard Evaluation Division standard evaluation procedure : toxicity potential : guidance for analysis and evaluation of subchronic and chronic exposure studies / 1985
Impact of Lead Additive Regulations on the Petroleum Refining Industry: Volume I. Project Summary. 1976
Impact of Lead Additive Regulations on the Petroleum Refining Industry: Volume II. Detailed Study Results. 1976
Impact of Producing Low-Sulfur, Unleaded Motor Gasoline on the Petroleum Refining Industry. Volume I. Project Summary. 1976
Influence of recycling beef cattle waste on indigestible residue accumulation / 1977
Interlaboratory Methods Comparison for the Total Organic Carbon Analysis of Aquifer Materials. 1989
Interrelationships of fishes 1996
Investigation into the health of forests in the vicinity of Gothic, Colorado : a scientific report / 1985
Measuring Human Exposure to Carbon Monoxide in Washington, DC., and Denver, Colorado, during the Winter of 1982-1983. 1985
Modeling of auto exhaust smog chamber data for EKMA development / 1985
Modeling of Auto Exhaust Smog Chamber Data for Ekma Development. 1985
Modeling of Simulated Photochemical Smog with Kinetic Mechanisms. 1983
Monitoring for Non-Occupational Exposure to Pesticides in Indoor and Personal Respiratory Air. 1986
Monitoring Trichloroacetic Acid in Municipal Drinking Water. 1985
Montour Waste Heat Greenhouse Project. 1982
National Surface Water Survey: Eastern Lake Survey - Phase 2 Northeastern Lakes, Database Dictionary. 1991
North Carolina's timber industry : an assessment of timber product output and use, 1994 / 1996
Nutrient availability chemical and biological aspects / 1989
Office of Research and Development Needs to Improve Its Method of Measuring Administrative Savings. Evaluation Report. 2011
Offshore Platform Hazardous Waste Incineration Facility: Feasibility Study. 1981
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