Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 132
Showing: Items 51 - 100

Select Item Title Year Published
Exposure and risk assessment for benzo{a}pyrene and other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons volume I, summary / 1985
Exposure and risk assessment for dichlorobenzenes : 1,2-dichlorobenzene, 1,3-dichlorobenzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene : final draft report / 1981
Ferroalloy process emissions measurement / 1979
Field Experiences VOC and Pesticide Removal Using GAC Suffolk County, New York. 1992
Frequency of leak occurrence and emission factors for natural gas liquid plants : final report / 1982
Frequency of leak occurrence for fittings in synthetic organic chemical plant process units / 1981
Frequency of leak occurrence for fittings in synthetic organic chemical plant process units / 1981
Full-Scale Laboratory Simulation Facility to Test Particulate and Organic Emissions from a Third World Residential Combustion Process. 1. Facility Description and Results of Tests of Three Rural China Residential Coals, a U.S. Coal, and Wood. 1992
Full-Scale Laboratory Simulation Facility to Test Particulate and Organic Emissions from a Third World Residential Combustion Process. III Evaluation of a Potential Technique for the Control of Emissions from the Indoor, Open Hearth Combustion of Coal. 1992
Further characterization of sorbents for environmental sampling - II / 1982
Further Characterization of Sorbents for Environmental Sampling--II. 1982
Furthur characterization of sorbents for environmental sampling / 1979
Gas sample storage / 1979
Green Bay in the future--a rehabilitative prospectus / 1982
Guidelines for stack testing at municipal waste combustion facilities / 1988
Guidelines for stack testing of municipal waste combustion facilities / 1988
Habitat, biota, and sediment characteristics at selected stations in the lower Illinois River basin, Illinois, 1996-98 / 2001
Hazard Evaluation Division standard evaluation procedure : toxicity potential : guidance for analysis and evaluation of subchronic and chronic exposure studies / 1985
Hazards of marine transportation of liquid chlorine; final report, 1970
Health assessment document for ethylene oxide / 1984
Health assessment document for ethylene oxide. 1985
Heterogeneity of Human Natural Killer (NK) Cells: Enrichment of NK by Negative-Selection with the Lectin from 'Erythrina cristagalli' (Journal Version). 1987
Histopathologic Lesions in Sea Otters Exposed to Crude Oil. 1993
Indoor Air Exposure to Coal and Wood Combustion Emissions Associated with a High Lung Cancer Rate in Xuan Wei, China. 1989
Indoor Air Sampling and Mutagenicity Studies of Emissions from Unvented Coal Combustion (Journal Version). 1987
Indoor Air Sampling and Mutagenicity Studies of Emissions from Unvented Coal Combustion (Journal Version). 1987
Indoor Air Sampling and Mutagenicity Studies Related to Emissions from Unvented Coal Combustion. 1986
Influence of natural factors on the quality of midwestern streams and rivers / 2001
Interstate air pollution study : phase II project report. 1966
Laboratory evaluation of level 1 organic analysis procedures / 1982
Laboratory evaluation of level 1 organic analysis procedures / 1982
Leak frequency and emission factors for fittings in coke oven by-product plants : final report / 1982
Limited PCB Antagonism of TCDD-Induced Malformations in Mice. 1992
Literature-Review Screening Techniques for the Evaluation of Land Treatment of Industrial Wastes. 1983
Lung Cancer and Indoor Air Pollution in Xuan Wei, China. 1987
Lung Cancer and Indoor Exposure of Unvented Coal and Wood Combustion Emissions in Xuan Wei, China. 1987
Measures of Reproductive Success and Polychlorinated Biphenyl Residues in Eggs and Chicks of Forster's Terns on Green Bay, Lake Michigan, Wisconsin, 1988. 1993
Mercury mass distribution during laboratory and simulated in-situ oil shale retorting / 1984
Methods for level 2 analysis by organic compound category / 1981
Microbiological studies at the Osage site, 1970 / 1971
Microcosms as potential screening tools for evaluating transport and effects of effects of toxic substances / 1980
Microscopic particulate analysis (MPA) for filtration plant optimization / 1996
Model Noise Control Provisions for Building Codes and Implementation Manual. 1981
Multimedia Sampling during the Application of Biosolids on a Land Test Site. 2012
Mutagenic and Carcinogenic Potency of Extracts of Diesel and Related Environmental Emissions: Study Design, Sample Generation, Collection, and Preparation (Journal Version). 1981
Peroxiredoxin Systems Structures and Functions / [electronic resource] : 2007
Pesticides in Ontario : a critical assessment of potential toxicity of agricultural products to wildlife, with consideration for endocrine disruption. volume 1 : Endosulfan, EBDC fungicides, dinitroanaline herbicides, 1,3-dichloropropene, azinphos-methyl, and pesticide mixtures / 2000
Planning for an energy efficient future the experience with implementing energy conservation programs for new residential and commercial buildings / 1988
Planning for quality in radon mitigation / 1990
Poly(ethylene glycol) : chemistry and biological applications / 1997

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