Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Freeman AND J AND H)

Select Item Title Year Published
Approach to the Design of Nonmutagenic Azo Dyes: Analogs of the Mutagens CI Direct Black 17. 1990
Approach to the Design of Nonmutagenic Azo Dyes: Analogues of the Mutagen 4-Amino-3-Methoxyazobenzene (Chapter 4). 1992
Assessment of incineration as a treatment method for liquid organic hazardous wastes / 1985
Cognitive and Neuroanatomical Effects of Triethyltin in Developing Rats: Role of Age of Exposure. Research Report. 1994
Color Yes; Cancer No. 1991
Effect of Alkoxy Substituents on the Mutagenicity of Some Phenylenediamine-Based Disazo Dyes. 1990
Effect of Alkoxy Substituents on the Mutagenicity of Some Phenylenediamine-Based Disazo Dyes. 1990
Evaluation of Chester River Oyster Mortality. 1979
Eyeblink Conditioning in the Developing Rat. 1992
Fimbria-Fornix Transections Disrupt the Ontogeny of Delayed Alternation but Not Position Discrimination in the Rat. 1991
Hazardous Waste Incineration in Industrial Processes: Cement and Lime Kilns. 1985
Industrial pollution prevention : a critical review / 1992
Medial Prefrontal Cortex Lesions and Spatial Delayed Alternation in the Developing Rat: Recovery or Sparing. 1992
Ontogeny of Eyeblink Conditioning in the Rat: Effects of US Intensity and Interstimulus Interval on Delay Conditioning. 1993
Radon flux measurements on Gardinier and Royster phosphogypsum piles near Tampa and Mulberry, Florida / 1985

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