Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Abrupt climate change : report / 2008
Accumulation of Sediment-Bound PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) by Fiddler Crabs. 1986
Aeration to Remove Volatile Organic Compounds from Ground Water. 1984
Aggressive Water: Assessing the Extent of the Problem. 1980
Algorithm for Mixing Problems in Water Systems. 1985
Alternative Drinking Water Treatment Technology Applications from Superfund Sites: Development of a National Register. 1988
Analysis of Drinking Water Systems: A Spatial Approach. 1985
Analysis of Inactivation of 'Giardia lamblia' by Chlorine. 1989
Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Invertebrate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume VI. Lawns, Ornamentals, Forest Lands. 1977
Analysis of Supersatuated Air in Natural Waters and Reservoirs. 1980
Analysis of Water Supply Costs in the Washington (D.C.) Area. 1982
Analytical Techniques for Polyelectrolytes in Wastewater: A Review. 1987
Animation and Visualization of Water Quality in Distribution Systems. 1992
Application of Modeling and Operations Research Techniques to Drinking Water Systems. 1986
Applying Economic Principles to Small Water Systems. 1987
Asbestos Fiber Release during Change-Out of Filter Bags from HEPA-Filtered Vacuum Cleaners. 1991
Asbestos in Water Supplies of the United States. 1983
Asbestos release during building demolition activities / 1993
Asbestos-Cement Products in Contact with Drinking Water: SEM Observations. 1980
Assessing UST corrective action technologies : lessons learned about in situ air sparging at the Denison Avenue Site, Cleveland, Ohio / 1994
Assessing UST corrective action technologies : lessons learned about in situ air sparging at the Denison Avenue site, Cleveland, Ohio : project summary / 1995
Assessment of Model Simulation of Long-Distance Transport. 1983
Bats and environmental contaminants : a review / 1981
Bench and Pilot Scale Process Evaluation of Reburning for In-Furnace NOx Reduction. 1986
Bench-scale process evaluation of reburning and sorbent injection for in-furnace NOx/SOx reduction / 1985
Benthic macrofaunal community structure in ocean dredged material disposal sites in Louisiana : preliminary analysis / 1994
Bioaccumulation of 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene from food and water sources by SPOT (leiostomus xanthurus) / 1989
Bioaccumulation of Kepone by Grass Shrimp ('Palaemonetes pugio'): Importance of Dietary Accumulation and Food Ration. 1990
Bioaccumulation of Kepone by Spot ('Leiostomus xanthurus'): Importance of Dietary Accumulation and Ingestion Rate. 1986
Biological Effects of Effluent from a Desalination Plant at Key West, Florida. 1970
Bioremediation monitoring program : interim report / 1990
Bioremediation Monitoring Program. 1990
Bird/aircraft hazards / 1974
Boiler Design Criteria for Dry Sorbent SO2 Control with Low-NOx Burners. 1986
Capstone report on the application, monitoring, and performance of permeable reactive barriers for ground-water remediation : volume 2, long term monitoring of PRBs : soil and ground water sampling / 2003
Carcinogens, identification and mechanisms of action 1979
Characterization of Chromium-Contaminated Soils Using Field-Portable X-ray Fluorescence. 1994
Characterizing Raw Surface Water Amenable to Minimal Water Supply Treatment. 1988
Characterizing Surface Waters That May Not Require Filtration. 1990
Chemical Characterization and Monitoring Studies of Effluents from Emerging Fossil Fuel Processes. 1976
Coastal almanac for 1980--The Year of the Coast 1980
Coastal ecosystem management : a technical manual for the conservation of coastal zone resources 1977
Coastal ecosystem management : a technical manual for the conservation of coastal zone resources 1983
Coastal ecosystems; ecological considerations for management of the coastal zone, 1974
Coastal zone management handbook 1996
Coastal zone management handbook / 1995
Combined treatment of municipal kraft linerboard, and fiberboard manufacturing wastes / 1971
Comparative assessment of residential energy supply systems that use fuel cells : (executive summary) / 1979
Comparative assessment of residential energy supply systems that use fuel cells : (technical report) / 1979
Comparing the Accuracy of Equation Formats for Modeling Microbial Population Decay Rates. 1992
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