Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 197
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Select Item Title Year Published
Subsurface disposal of industrial wastes in the United States 1964
Summary of annual records of chemical quality of water of the Arkansas River in Oklahoma and Arkansas, 1945-52, 1955
Summary of developed and potential waterpower of the United States and other countries of the world, 1955-62 1964
Summary of geology and ground-water conditions in the Fredericksburg District, eastern Spotsylvania County, Virginia a preliminary report. 1955
Summary of geology and ground-water resources of the Eastern Shore peninsula, Virginia a preliminary report, 1954
Summary of mining and petroleum laws of the world : (in five parts) / 1970
Summary of preliminary studies of sedimentation and hydrology in Bolinas Lagoon, Marin County, California, 1970
Summary of the geology of the Chicago area / 1971
Summary of the ground-water aquifers in the Rio Grande Basin / 1963
Surface subsidence over longwall panels in the western United States 1982
Synopsis of biological data on the chium salmon, oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum) 1792 1970
Technical Conference on Petroleum Production; {papers} 1944
Tertiary gold-bearing channel gravel in northern Nevada County, California, 1968
The Atlantic coast surf clam, with a partial bibliography / 1968
The geography and geology of Erie County, Pennsylvania / 1967
The ground-water resources of the areas in the vicinity of the interchanges on the East-West Ohio Turnpike / 1954
The industrial utility of public water supplies in the East South Central States, 1952 / 1952
The water resources of Jackson County, Ohio / 1953
The water resources of Ross County, Ohio / 1954
The water resources of Scioto County, Ohio / 1953
The water situation in the United States with special reference to ground water, with a summary of the current water situation by States based on data supplied by field offices of the Water Resources Division. 1951
Time of travel of water in the Ohio River, Pittsburgh to Cincinnati. 1961
Time, distance and drawdown relationships in a pumped ground-water basin 1960
Transit losses and travel times for reservoir releases, Upper Arkansas River Basin, Colorado. 1973
Trends in ground-water levels in Wisconsin through 1981 1983
U.S. zinc industry: an historical perspective, 1974
Urban sprawl and flooding in southern California, 1970
Waste disposal costs at two coal mines in Kentucky and Alabama, 1969
Water facts and figures for planners and managers, 1973
Water in the San Luis Valley, south-central Colorado 1973
Water laws and concepts / 1970
Water levels in observation wells in Wisconsin through 1957, 1959
Water management, agriculture, and ground-water supplies by R.L. Nace. 1960
Water requirements and uses in Nevada mineral industries, 1966
Water requirements and uses in Wyoming mineral industries, 1967
Water use in the petroleum and natural gas industries / 1966
Water-level declines and ground-water quality, upper Black Squirrel Creek Basin, Colorado 1973
Water-quality indices for specific water uses / 1978
Water-resources summary for Southern California, 1958 1959
Water-resources summary for Southern California, 1959 1960
Water-supply characteristics of selected Arkansas streams. 1965
Weeds of the North Central States, 1960
Well construction information for in situ uranium leaching 1978
Well yields in the bedrock aquifers of Maryland. 1974
Wetland and water supply. 1960
Wetlands of the United States : their extent and their value to waterfowl and other wildlife / 1971
X-ray attenuation coefficients from 10 kev to 100 Mev 1959
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