Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Anglers' guide to sharks of the northeastern United States : Maine to Chesapeake Bay / 1964
Annotated bibliography of water-use data, 1960. 0
Annual runoff in the United States, 1949
Anomalous concentrations of several metals in iron-formation of the Blue Lead Mountain area, Pennington County, South Dakota 1975
Anthracite in the Narragansett Basin of Rhode Island and Massachusetts 1977
Are we running out of water? / 1967
Availability of uranium at various prices from resources in the United States 1971
Bibliography of investment and operating costs for chemical and petroleum plants, January-December 1969 / 1970
Books and articles on marine mammals / 1968
Bottom trawl explorations in Green Bay of Lake Michigan, 1963-65 / 1969
Bottom trawl explorations in Lake Superior, 1963-65 / 1969
Bottom trawl explorations in Northern Lake Michigan, 1963-65, 1969
Bottom trawl explorations in southern Lake Michigan, 1962-65 / 1969
Bureau of Mines energy program, 1972, 1973
Bureau of Mines energy program, 1973, 1974
Bureau of Mines research and accomplishments in utilization of solid wastes, 1970
Bureau of Mines research programs on recycling and disposal of mineral-, metal-, and energy-based solid wastes, 1971
Bureau of Mines research programs on recycling and disposal of mineral-, metal-, and energy-based wastes 1973
Case of the shrinking channels the North Platte and Platte Rivers in Nebraska / 1978
Case studies of municipal waste disposal systems, 1971
Challenge of water management 1960
Characteristics of fish populations in upper Mississippi River backwater areas / 1965
Chemical analyses of three Triassic diabase dikes in Pennsylvania / 1970
Coal production from the Uinta region, Colorado and Utah; cost analysis for proposed underground mining operations, 1970
Coal reserves of Pennsylvania: total, recoverable, and strippable (January 1, 1970) 1972
Coal resources of Pennsylvania / 1980
Coal surface mining reclamation costs in the Western United States 1977
Conservation and protection 1960
Conservation attitude 1960
Control of metallurgical and mineral dusts and fumes in Los Angeles County, Calif., 1952
Control of sulfur oxide emissions in copper, lead, and zinc smelting 1971
Current studies of the hydrology of prairie potholes, 1962
Demand for platinum to reduce pollution from automobile exhausts 1973
Depth and producing rate classification of oil reservoirs in the 14 principal oil-producing states 1967
Depth and producing rate classification of petroleum reservoirs in the United States, 1971 1976
Design guide for metal and nonmetal tailings disposal / 1977
Design of dams for mill tailings / 1969
Digital simulation model of the Aquia aquifer in southern Maryland 1976
Directory of mineral producers in Maryland, 1979 1980
Disposal of liquid wastes by injection underground: neither myth nor millennium, 1969
Disposal of solid wastes from coal mining in Washington, Oregon, and Montana, 1969
Dissolved-solids discharge to the oceans from the conterminous United States, 1974
Ecological systems and the water resource 1960
Economic evaluation of California-Nevada iron resources and iron ore markets. 1971
Effects of DDT and other insecticides on fish and wildlife : summary of investigations during 1947 / 1948
Effects of elemental phosphorus on marine life: collected papers resulting from the 1969 pollution crisis, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. 1972
Effects of pesticides on fish and wildlife : 1964 research findings of the Fish and Wildlife Service. 1965
Effects of water management on a reach of the Arkansas Valley, La Junta to Las Animas, Colorado / 1963
Energy potential from organic wastes: a review of the quantities and sources, 1972
Energy use patterns for metal recycling / 1978
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