Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (AUTHOR=Bursey AND J)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Acetonitrile field test report : work assignment 45 / 1997
Analysis for polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) in environmental samples / 1979
Analysis for polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs) in environmental samples [microform] / 1979
Analysis of industrial wastewater for organic pollutants in consent decree survey / 1983
Analysis of industrial wastewater for organic pollutants in consent decree survey samples / 1983
Application of an analysis protocol to identify organic compounds not identified by spectrum matching / 1984
Application of an Analysis Protocol to Identify Organic Compounds Not Identified By Spectrum Matching. Part 1: Text. 1984
Application of an Analysis Protocol to Identify Organic Compounds Not Identified By Spectrum Matching. Part 2: Appendices. 1984
Application of VOST and SemiVOST to Nonhalogenated CAAA Compounds. 1995
Comparison of a Modified VOST Sampling Method to Method 0030. 1993
Evaluation of a Sampling Method for Acetonitrile Emissions from Stationary Sources. 1997
Evaluation of CAAA Compounds: Approaches for Stationary Source Method Development. 1996
Evaluation of methods for analysis of human fat, skin, nails, hair, blood and urine / 1985
Evaluation of the basic GC/MS computer analysis technique for pollutant analysis. 1980
Evaluation of the SemiVOST Method for Halogenated Compounds at a Chemical Manufacturing Facility. 1995
Evaluation of the SemiVOST Method for Non-Halogenated Compounds at an Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing Facility. 1997
Evaluation of VOST and SemiVOST Methods for Halogenated Compounds in the Clean Air Act Amendments Title III. Validation Study at Fossil Fuel Plant. 1993
Evaluation of VOST and semiVOST methods for halogenated compounds in the Clean Air Act amendments, Title III : bench and laboratory studies / 1992
Experimental Development of the Master Analytical Scheme for Organic Compounds in Water: Part 1. Text. 1985
Experimental Development of the Master Analytical Scheme for Organic Compounds in Water: Part 2. Appendices. 1985
Field Evaluation (First) of VOST and SemiVOST Methods for Selected CAAA Organic Compounds at a Coal-Fired Power Plant. 1997
Field Evaluation at an Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing Facility of VOST and SemiVOST Methods for Selected CAAA Organic Compounds. 1997
Field Evaluation of a Modified VOST Sampling Method. 1993
Field evaluation of EPA Method 0040 : (volatiles using bags) / 1998
Field Evaluation of EPA Proposed Method 0040 (Sampling and Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds Using Tedlar (Trade Name) Bags). 1997
Field test of a generic method for halogenated hydrocarbons / 1993
Field test of a generic method for halogenated hydrocarbons : SEMIVOST test at an agricultural chemical manufacturing facility / 1996
Field Test of a Generic Method for Halogenated Hydrocarbons: A VOST Test at a Chemical Manufacturing Facility Using a Modified VOST Sampling Method. 1994
Field Test of a Generic Method for Halogenated Hydrocarbons: A VOST Test at a Chemical Manufacturing Facility. 1994
Field Test of a Generic Method for Halogenated Hydrocarbons: SemiVOST Test at an Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing Facility (May 1997). 1997
Field Test of a Generic Method for the Sampling and Analysis of Halogenated Hydrocarbons Listed in Title III of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. 1993
Field test of generic method for halogenated hydrocarbons : project summary / 1993
Field Testing to Complete Validation of a Manual Method for High Levels of Phenolic Compounds. 1997
Guidelines for determination of laboratory acceptability for analysis of volatile organic pollutants collected on Tenax GC adsorbant / 1984
Guidelines for determination of laboratory acceptability for analysis of volatile organic pollutants collected on Tenax GC adsorbant. 1984
Handbook of GC/MS Data and Information for Selected Clean Air Act Amendments Compounds. 1994
Improvements in Preparation of Samples Generated by SW-846 Method 0010. 1993
Investigation of Selected Detectors for Application on Hydrocarbons Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems. 1997
Laboratory and field evaluation of the Semi-VOST (Semi-Volatile Organic Sampling Train) method : volume 1 / 1985
Laboratory and field evaluation of the Semi-VOST (Semi-Volatile Organic Sampling Train) method : volume 2 appendices / 1985
Laboratory and field evaluation of the semi-VOST method / 1987
Laboratory and field evaluation of the semi-VOST method / 1986
Laboratory Evaluation of Method 0050 for Hydrogen Chloride. 1993
Laboratory validation of VOST and semiVOST for the halogenated hydrocarbons from the Clean Air Act Amendments list : volume 1 / 1993
Laboratory validation of VOST and semiVOST for the halogenated hydrocarbons from the Clean Air Act Amendments list : volume 2 / 1993
Master analytical scheme for organic compounds in water / 1985
Master analytical scheme for organic compounds in water : Part 1. protocols / 1985
Master analytical scheme for organic compounds in water : Part 2. Appendices to Protocols / 1985
Method Evaluation Study: The Application of SemiVOST to the Nonhalogenated Semivolatile Organic Compounds from the Clean Air Act Amendments. 1996
Method Evaluation Study: The Application of SemiVOST to the Nonhalogenated Semivolatile Organic Compounds from the Clean Air Act Amendments. 1996
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