Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Constant volume sampling system water condensation / 1993
Constant Volume Sampling System Water Condensation. SAE Technical Paper Series. 1994
Construction management evaluation for city: Tahlequah, Oklahoma 1991
Continuous Measurement of Diesel Particulate Emissions (Journal Version). 1988
Control of motor vehicle emissions, the U.S. experience 1990
Copper in sediments from Steilacoom Lake, Pierce County, Washington / 1992
Cost and optimization engineering 1983
Demographic Change in Australia's Rural Landscapes Implications for Society and the Environment / [electronic resource] : 2010
Detailed Technical and Economic Analysis of Selected Resource Recovery Systems: Task 3.4B for Mid America Regional Council. 1978
Development and application of a sensor for real-time microenvironmental and personal ozone measurements / 2000
Disposal of hazardous waste : proceedings of the sixth annual research symposium at Chicago, Illinois, March 17-20, 1980 / 1980
Documentation of EMSL-LV contribution to Dallas lead study 1984
Documentation of EMSL-LV contribution to Dallas lead study {microform} / 1984
Dose Response of 'Cryptosporidium parvum' in Outbred Neonatal CD-1 Mice. 1993
Effect of certain organic pollutants on copper toxicity to fish (Lebistes reticulatus) 1977
Effect of Inherited Contamination on Egg and Larval Winter Flounder, 'Pseudopleuronectes americanus'. 1988
Effects of polychlorinated biphenyl compounds and proposed PCB-replacement products on embryo-larval stages of fish and amphibians 1978
Electrical properties of bone and cartilage : experimental effects and clinical applications 1979
Emerging Technology Program (ETP) of the U.S. EPA's Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program. 1988
Emission Factors for the Disposal of Energetic Materials by Open Burning and Open Detonation (OB/OD). 1998
Emission from in-use heavy-duty gasoline trucks / 1984
Emissions and Fuel Economy of DOE Flex-Fuel Vehicles. 1992
Environmental toxicology and risk assessment : standardization of biomarkers for endocrine dissruption and environmental assessment. 1999
Estimation of Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus in Streams of the Middle Columbia River Basin (Oregon, Washington, and Idaho) Using SPARROW Models, with Emphasis on the Yakima River Basin, Washington. 2013
Evaluation of four well casing materials for monitoring selected trace level organics in ground water 1989
Evaluation of pilot-scale air pollution control devices on a refuse and coal-fired boiler / 1985
Evaluation of waste control and treatment systems for Standard Oil Co., Hawaiian Refinery (petroleum), the Flintkote Company, Canec Division (bagasse), Hakalau Sugar Company, Ltd. (sugar), Hawaiian Agricultural Company (sugar), American Factors, Ltd., Kona branch (coffee), Hawaiian Fruit Packers, Ltd. (pineapple), January 23 to February 3, 1961 / 1961
Exhaust Emission Patterns from Two Light-Duty Diesel Automobiles. 1981
Exocrine Pancreatic Adenomas in the Greater Redhorse, 'Moxostoma valeenciennesi' Jordan, and in the European Flounder, 'Platichthys flesus' (L). 1988
Experimental results from the Design Institute for Physical Property Data : phase equilibria and pure component properties 1987
Filter media for collecting diesel particulate matter / 1981
Filter Media for Collecting Diesel Particulate Matter. 1981
Gas Chromatograph-Based System for Measuring the Methane Fraction of Diesel Engine Hydrocarbon Emissions. 1987
Gaseous radioiodine transport in the air-forage-cow-milk system S.C. Black, R.L. Douglas, and D.S. Barth. 1976
Highway Motor Vehicles as Sources of Atmospheric Particles: Projected Trends 1977 to 2000. 1985
Historical Perspectives on Selected Health and Safety Aspects of Nuclear Weapons Testing. 1986
How Many Samples are Needed. 2011
Impact of Gasohol on Automobile Evaporative and Tailpipe Emissions. 1981
Implementation of arsenic treatment systems part 2: design considerations, operation and maintenance / 2002
Improving forage for native bee crop pollinators / 2006
Improving the Environmental Safety of Munitions Disposal by OB and OD. 1997
In situ acute/chronic toxicological monitoring of industrial effluents for the NPDES biomonitoring program using fish and amphibian embryo-larval stages as test organisms / 1981
In situ Acute/Chronic Toxicological Monitoring of Industrial Effluents for the NPDES Biomonitoring Program Using Fish and Amphibian Embryo-Larval Stages as Test Organisms. 1981
Inactivation of 'Giardia lamblia' by Free Chlorine: A Mathematical Model. 1991
Incineration and treatment of hazardous waste : proceedings of the eighth annual research symposium at Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky, March 8-10, 1982 / 1983
Induction of tolerance to heavy metals in natural and laboratory populations of fish / 1983
Industrial Waste Guide - By-Product Coke. 1956
Influence of ambient temperature of tailpipe emissions from 1984-1987 model year light-duty gasoline motor vehicles {microform} 1989
Investigation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon discharges to water in the vicinity of Buffalo, New York / 1986
Investigation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Discharges to Water in the Vicinity of Buffalo, New York. 1985
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