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Main Title Transport of Dissolved Hydrocarbons Influenced by Oxygen-Limited Biodegradation. 1. Theoretical Development.
Author Borden, R. C. ; Bedient, P. B. ;
CORP Author North Carolina State Univ. at Raleigh. ;Oklahoma Univ., Norman. Environmental and Ground Water Inst.;Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Lab., Ada, OK.
Year Published 1986
Report Number EPA/600/J-86/332;
Stock Number PB87-179727
Additional Subjects Hydrocarbons ; Biodeterioration ; Oxygen transport mechanisms ; Degradation ; Dispersion ; Aerobic processes ; Waste disposal ; Water pollution ; Ground water ; Simulation ; Reprints ; Pollution transport
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB87-179727 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 12p
Abstract In the paper, equations are developed for simulating the simultaneous growth, decay, and transport of microorganisms, as well as the transport and removal of hydrocarbon and oxygen. These equations are solved by conventional numerical techniques to study the impact of microbial kinetics, horizontal mixing, adsorption, and vertical exchange with the unsaturated zone on biodegradation. In the region near the hydrocarbon source, any available oxygen will be rapidly consumed. In the body of the hydrocarbon plume, oxygen transport will be rate limiting and the consumption of oxygen and hydrocarbon can be approximated as an instantaneous reaction. The major source of oxygen to the plume appear to be transverse mixing, advective fluxes when adsorption is significant, and vertical exchange with the unsaturated zone. (Copyright (c) 1986 by the American Geophysical Union.)
Supplementary Notes Pub. in Water Resources Research, v22 n13 p1973-1982 Dec 86. Prepared in cooperation with Oklahoma Univ., Norman. Environmental and Ground Water Inst. Sponsored by Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Lab., Ada, OK.
NTIS Title Notes Journal article.
Title Annotations Reprint: Transport of Dissolved Hydrocarbons Influenced by Oxygen-Limited Biodegradation. 1. Theoretical Development.
PUB Date Free Form c1986
Category Codes 68D; 57K; 99A
NTIS Prices PC A02/MF A01
Primary Description 600/15
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 716922417
Origin NTIS
Type CAT