Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
"The Next four years : an agenda for environmental results" / 1985
A Conversation : EPA's past, present and future. 1990
A quick biochemical oxygen demand test / 1971
A Review of the Scientific Literature As It Pertains to Gulf War Illnesses. 1998
Accumulation Factors for Eleven Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners. 1990
Aeration and Substrate Utilization in a Sparged Packed-Bed Biofilm Reactor. 1986
Agent Orange Task Force status report : April 1990 - May 1994 / 1994
Air Filtration of Microbial Particles. 1962
American Advances in Wastewater Treatment Related to Toxics Control and to Sludge Management. 1987
An ecological assessment of the Louisiana Tensas River Basin / 1999
An environmental source book on the photovoltaics industry / 1987
Applicability of the Meyers process for chemical desulfurization of coal / 1974
Area source documentation for the 1985 National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program inventory / 1989
Assessing and managing risks in the real world / 1985
Assessment of an empirical technique for estimating vehicle aerodynamic drag from vehicle shape parameters / 1978
Assessment of VOC emissions from well vents associated with thermally enhanced oil recovery : final report / 1981
Atmospheric reaction products from hazardous air pollutant degradation 1985
Atmospheric reaction products from hazardous air pollutant degradation : final report / 1985
Attracting native pollinators : protecting North America's bees and butterflies : the Xerces Society guide / 2011
Bayesian statistics an introduction / [electronic resource] : 2012
Bench-scale studies on the formation of endocrine disrupting chemicals from combustion sources / 2000
Bench-Scale Studies on the Simultaneous Formation of PCBs and PCDDs/Fs from Combustion Systems. 2000
Biological Aerated Filter Evaluation (Journal Version). 1988
Biorestoration of aquifers contaminated with organic compounds 1988
Brushland watershed fire management policy in southern California : biosocial considerations / 1978
Buffer additives for lime/limestone slurry scrubbing synthesis, mass transfer, and degradation {MICROFICHE} 1984
Building Technical, Financial, and Managerial Capacity for Small Water Systems: The Role of Consolidation, Partnership, and Other Organizational Innovations. 2007
Care and use of amphibians, reptiles, and fish in research 1992
Catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides with ammonia : utility pilot plant operation / 1976
CFD Modeling of Fine Scale Flow and Transport in the Houston Metropolitan Area, Texas. 2004
Chemicals in your community : a guide to the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act. 1988
Chemicals of Emerging Concern in Water and Bottom Sediment in Great Lakes Areas of Concern, 2010 to 2011: Collection Methods, Analyses Methods, Quality Assurance, and Data. 2012
Chronic Effects of Ultraviolet-B Radiation on Growth and Cell Volume of 'Phaeodactylum tricornutum' (Bacillariophyceae). 1992
Coal workers' pneumoconiosis. 1972
Comparison of Aqueous and Solid-Phase Uptake for Hexachlorobenzene in the Tellinid Clam Macoma nasuta (Conrad): A Mass Balance Approach. 1990
Comprehensive report Southeast Las Vegas Valley Air Quality Management Project 1980-81 / 1981
Computerized Risk and Bioaccumulation System (Version 1.0). 1991
Conversion of Municipal Sludge to Oil. 1987
Conversion of Municipal Sludge to Oil. (Journal Version). 1987
Covers for uncontrolled hazardous waste sites / 1985
Current Concepts in Forensic Entomology [electronic resource] / 2010
Dams and the environment considerations in World Bank projects / 1989
Data acquisition for environmental transport and fate screening for compounds of interest to the Office of Emergency and Remedial Response / 1984
Data acquisition for environmental transport and fate screening for compounds of interest to the Office of Solid Waste / 1984
Depuration Kinetics of Hexachlorobenzene in the Clam, 'Macoma nasuta'. 1990
Design and Performance of a Field Exposure System for Evaluation of the Ecological Effects of SO2 on Native Grassland. 1981
Design of a laboratory for particulate analysis / 1981
Design of a Laboratory for Particulate Analysis. 1981
Destruction of Enteric Bacteria and Viruses during Two-Phase Digestion. 1989
Determination of emissions credit and average test times for IM147 testing / 1999
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