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Main Title Protection of Shade Trees with DDT and Its Relation to Human Health.
Author Witter., Robert F. ;
CORP Author Communicable Disease Center, Atlanta, Ga.
Year Published 1959
Stock Number PB-276 890
Additional Subjects Industrial medicine ; DDT ; Insecticides ; Hazardous materials ; Pesticides ; Toxicology ; Humans ; Exposure ; Toxicity ; Experimental data ; Public health ; Physiological effects ; Reprints ; Toxic substances ; Occupational safety and health ; Agricultural workers
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-276 890 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 4p
Abstract Th toxicological properties of DDT have been studied thoroughly. Volunteers have ingested 35 mg. of DDT per day for 18 months, and occupational exposure of this magnitude can occur for as long as six and one half years with no apparent ill effects. Since the exposure of the spray operators and particularly the general public to this insecticide will be much less than the above amounts, it is anticipated that there will be no difficulties due to exposure to DDT during the program to control Dutch elm disease.
Supplementary Notes Pub. in Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the New Jersey Federation of Shade Tree Commissions (34th), November 15-17, 1958, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Availability Notes Included in the report, Journal Articles on Worker Exposure. Group 2, PB-276 880.
Title Annotations Reprint: Protection of Shade Trees with DDT and Its Relation to Human Health,
PUB Date Free Form 1959
Category Codes 6J; 6T; 57U; 57Y; 94D; 68G; 68E
NTIS Prices (Order as PB-276 880, MF A01)
Primary Description 500/01
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 323732528
Origin NTIS
Type CAT