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Main Title Advancing State Clean Energy Funds. Options for Administration and Funding.
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
Year Published 2008
Stock Number PB2012-113508
Additional Subjects Energy efficiency ; Energy consumption ; Renewable energy sources ; Homes ; Businesses ; Government ; Industries ; Prices ; Natural gas ; Electricity ; Cost effectiveness ; Policies ; Clean energy
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB2012-113508 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 55p
Abstract Improving the energy efficiency of homes, businesses, schools, governments, and industries which consume more than 70 percent of the natural gas and electricity used in the United States--is often the most cost-effective option for addressing the challenges of high energy prices, energy security and independence, environmental concerns, and global climate change in the near term. Other technologies that address these challenges include renewable energy (e.g., solar thermal, solar photovoltaic, wind, hydro, biomass), clean distributed generation, and combined heat and power (CHP). Despite a range of well-documented benefits, several persistent barriers limit greater investment in clean energy. Focused policies are necessary to overcome barriers and enable these resources to play an increasing role in meeting our nation's energy needs.
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PUB Date Free Form May 2008
Category Codes 97G; 97B
NTIS Prices PC A05
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 129602040
Origin NTIS
Type CAT