Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A handbook on scrap futures markets and futures trading / 1980
Advanced Utility Simulation Model Description of the National Loop (Version 3.0). 1988
Advancing State Clean Energy Funds. Options for Administration and Funding. 2008
Affordable housing and smart growth : making the connection / 2001
An analysis of scrap futures markets for stimulating resource recovery / 1978
An analysis of the regulatory aspects of natural gas supply. 1973
Analysis of original equipment and aftermarket manufacturer oxygen sensor constructional, functional, and price differences / 1989
Analysis of the economic and environmental effects of methanol as an automotive fuel : [Special report] / 1989
Annual energy outlook / 1982
Appendices A, B, & C of the methodology for life cycle cost analysis using average fuel costs 1984
Application of Life-Cycle Assessment to Nanoscale Technology: Lithium-ion Batteries for Electric Vehicles. 2013
Applied Criteria for Municipal Water Rate Structures, Handbook. 1971
Applied Criteria for Municipal Water Rate Structures. 1971
Applying Economic Principles to Small Water Systems. 1987
Assessing customer preference and willingness to pay : a handbook for water utilities / 2011
Assessment of Impacts on the Refining and Natural Gas Liquids Industries of Summer Gasoline Vapor Pressure Control. 1987
Automobile industry retail price equivalent and indirect cost multipliers / 2009
Bulletin of hardwood market statistics, 2007 / 2008
Case studies of sustainable water and wastewater pricing / 2005
Catalog on CD-ROM United States. 0
Cement Industry: Economic Impact of Pollution Control Costs. Volume I. executive Summary. 1971
Cement Industry: Economic Impact of Pollution Control Costs. Volume II. 1971
Characterization of the rolling resistance of aftermarket passenger car tires / 1984
Charging households for waste collection and disposal : the effects of weight or volume-based pricing on solid waste management / 1990
Chesapeake Bay alosid management plan : an agreement commitment report from the Chesapeake Executive Council. 1989
Clean Water and the Cane Sugar Industry. 1995
Climate change : designing a practical tax system. 1992
Cold, hungry and in the dark : exploding the natural gas supply myth / 2013
Competitive Implications of Environmental Regulation in the Paper De-Inking Industry. 1996
Comprehensive study of specified air pollution sources to assess the economic effects of air quality standards / 1970
Consolidated water rates : issues and practices in single-tariff pricing / 1999
Consolidated water rates : issues and practices in single-tariff pricing. 1999
Cost of Solid Waste Management in Northeast Illinois. 1977
Cost-effectiveness analysis of municipal wastewater reuse / 1975
Costs of synthetic fuels in relation to oil prices : report / 1981
Dairy Outlook, June 23, 1995. Supplement to Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Situation and Outlook. 1995
Dollar, energy, and labor cost differential--leaded vs. unleaded gasoline : a quantitative approach 1980
Draft regulatory analysis : notice of proposed rulemaking for the allocation and pricing of gasohol / 1980
Economic analysis of effluent guidelines : beet sugar industry / 1975
Economic analysis of effluent guidelines : flat glass industry / 1974
Economic analysis of effluent guidelines : paving and roofing materials (tars and asphalt). 1975
Economic Analysis of Effluent Guidelines Fertilizer Industry. 1974
Economic Analysis of Effluent Guidelines for Seafood Processing Industry. (Fish Meal, Salmon, Bottom Fish, Clams, Oysters, Sardines, Scallops, Herring, Abalone). 1975
Economic Analysis of Effluent Guidelines for Selected Segments of the Seafood Processing Industry. (Catfish, Crab, Shrimp and Tuna). 1974
Economic analysis of effluent guidelines for the insulation fiberglass industry. 1975
Economic Analysis of Effluent Guidelines for the Soap and Detergent Industry. 1976
Economic Analysis of Effluent Guidelines on the Feedlots: Large Scale Segments. 1976
Economic Analysis of Effluent Guidelines Rubber Processing Industry. 1974
Economic Analysis of Effluent Guidelines. The Electroplating Industry (Copper, Nickel, Chromium and Zinc). 1974
Economic Analysis of Effluent Guidelines: Apple, Citrus and Potato Processing Segments of the Canned and Preserved Fruits and Vegetable Industry. 1975
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