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Main Title Proposed Sludge Management Plan, Metropolitan District Commission, Boston, Massachusetts. Volume 2. Appendices. Draft Environmental Impact Statement.
CORP Author Ecolsciences Inc., Rockaway, NJ.;Environmental Protection Agency, Boston, MA. Region I.
Publisher 1995
Year Published 1995
Stock Number PB95-156550
Additional Subjects Environmental impact statements-Draft ; Waste water treatment ; Water treatment plants ; Sludge disposal ; Infrastructure ; Land application ; Ocean waste disposal ; Landfills ; Incineration ; Marine environments ; Water quality ; Ambient air quality ; Noise pollution ; Traffic ; Comparisons ; Geology ; Water circulation ; Flora ; Fauna ; Species diversity ; Fishes ; Cultural resources ; Massachusetts ; Boston(Massachusetts) ; Suffolk County(Massachusetts) ; Energy impacts
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB95-156550 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 305p
Abstract The document accompanies Volume I of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement which proposed ammendments to Boston's sludge management plan. This volume is a set of appendices dealing with water standards, rock types, floral and faunal species, commercial establishments, infrastructure, and other aspects of the Boston Harbor area.
Supplementary Notes See also Volume 1, PB95-156568. Sponsored by Environmental Protection Agency, Boston, MA. Region I.
Category Codes 68H; 68C; 68D; 50B; 43F; 91A
NTIS Prices PC A14/MF A03
Primary Description 901/00
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 521400690
Origin NTIS
Type CAT