Full Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Superfund record of decision : McAdoo Associates, PA /
CORP Author Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC.
Publisher U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Year Published 1985
Report Number EPA/ROD/R03-085/012; EPA/ROD/R03-85/012
Stock Number PB85-232114
OCLC Number 23132150
Subjects Hazardous waste sites--Pennsylvania ; McAdoo Associates (Pa) ; Schuylkill County (Pa)
Additional Subjects Earth fills ; Industrial wastes ; Hazardous materials ; Waste disposal ; Site surveys ; McAdoo associates site ; Sites ; Licenses ; Public health ; Water pollution ; Capitalized costs ; Toluene ; Sludge disposal ; Capitalized costs ; Solid waste disposal ; Substitutes ; Cost analysis ; Coal mining ; Soil analysis ; Ground water ; Solid waste management ; Superfund program ; EPA region 3 ; Land reclamation ; Municipal wastes ; Environmental research ; Remedial actions ; Liquid waste disposal ; Schuylkill County(Pennsylvania) ; Off-site disposal ; Waste oil
Internet Access
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Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJAD  EPA ROD/R03-85-012 HWTIC Region 3 Library/Philadelphia, PA 06/01/2011
ELBD ARCHIVE EPA ROD/R03-85-012 Received from HQ AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/04/2023
NTIS  PB85-232114 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 71 p.
Abstract The Whitehouse Waste Oil Pits site is located near the community of Whitehouse, FL and occupies approximately seven acres of an upland area immediately adjacent to a cypress swamp. Two major east-west highways, U.S. Highway 90 and Interstate 10, are approximately 0.5 miles south of the site. A low-density residential area is located west and northwest of the site, and several miles northwest of the site is the Cecil Field U.S. Naval Air Station. The site itself consists of seven unlined pits, constructed by Allied Petroleum, where waste oil sludge, acid and contaminated waste oil from an oil reclaiming process was disposed. The first pits were constructed in 1958, and by 1968 the company had constructed and filled seven pits with approximately 127,000 cubic yards of waste. Allied Petroleum then went bankrupt. Consequently, the pits were abandoned, and remained an 'open dump' for several years. Recent activities have increased the volume of contaminated material to an estimated 240,000 cubic yards. The selected remedial action includes: construction of a slurry wall around the entire site; recovery and treatment of contaminated ground water; removal of the contaminated sediments from the northeast tributory of McGirts Creek; and capping the entire site. Total capital cost for the selected remedial alternative is estimated to be $3,049,000 and operations and maintenance costs are estimated to be an additional $96,630 per year.
Notes "June 1985." "Office of Emergency and Remedial Response." "PB85-232114." "EPA/ROD/R03-85/012."
Place Published Washington, D.C.
Supplementary Notes See also PB85-213833.
Corporate Au Added Ent United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Emergency and Remedial Response.
PUB Date Free Form 1985
NTIS Prices PC A04/MF A01
BIB Level m
Cataloging Source OCLC/T
OCLC Time Stamp 20110524150123
Language eng
Origin OCLC
Type CAT
OCLC Rec Leader 01123cam 2200313Ka 45020