Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
"No migration" variances to the hazardous waste land disposal prohibitions : a guidance manual for petitioners. 1990
1986 national screening survey of hazardous waste treatment, storage, disposal, and recycling facilities / 1988
A demonstrated approach for improving performance and reliability of biological wastewater treatment plants / 1979
A guide to the consolidated application form. 1979
A Requirements study of an automated advisory system for review of RCRA permits / 1986
Accepting nonhazardous waste after losing interim status. 1985
Agriculture and wetlands : a compilation of factsheets / 1992
Air Quality Implementation Plan for the State of Alaska. Volume III. Permit System Appendicies. 1971
Air Quality Implementation Plan for the State of Alaska. Volume III. Permit System. 1971
Air Quality Implementation Plan for the State of Alaska. Volume VI. Resources. 1971
Allocating chlorofluorocarbon permits who gains, who loses, and what is the cost? / {microform} : 1981
Amelia River Pilot Study for Implementing EPA's Toxic Control Policy. 1991
Amoco-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Pollution Prevention Project, Yorktown, Virginia: Pollution Prevention Workshop. 1991
Amoco-U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Pollution Prevention Project, Yorktown, Virginia: Yorktown Refinery Project Workplan. 1990
An analysis of the regulatory aspects of natural gas supply. 1973
An evaluation of marketable effluent permit systems / 1974
Analysis of New Source Review (NSR) permitting experience : executive summary. 1982
Analysis of New Source Review (NSR) Permitting Experience. 1982
Analysis of New Source Review (NSR) Permitting Experience. Part 2. Final Report. 1985
Analysis of the Economic Implications of the Permit System of Water Allocation. 1971
Analytical methods for the determination of pollutants in pulp and paper industry wastewater. 1993
Analytical Studies for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Volume VII. Pesticide Decision Making. 1978
Animal agriculture : concentrated animal feeding operations, dairy cattle : focus on CAFO permit requirements, dairy cattle. 1999
Animal agriculture concentrated animal feeding operations : CAFO permit requirements - general. 1999
Application of a Hazard Assessment Research Strategy to the Ocean Disposal of a Dredged Material: Monitoring Component. 1984
Application of a Hazard Assessment Research Strategy to the Ocean Disposal of a Dredged Material: Overview. 1989
Application of continuous watershed modelling to feedlot runoff management and control / 1979
Application of the Synoptic Approach to Wetland Designation: A Case Study in Louisiana. 1990
Applying for a Permit to Destroy PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyl) Waste Oil. Volume I. Summary. 1981
Applying for a permit to destroy PCB waste oil / 1981
Applying for a permit to destroy PCB waste oil : volums I and II / 1981
Applying for a Permit to Destroy PCB Waste Oil. Volume II. Documentation. 1981
APTI course SI 454 : effective permit writing : student guidebook / 1986
Areawide environmental assessment on the development of a NEPA compliance strategy for new source coal mining activity in the eastern Kentucky coal field / 1982
Areawide environmental assessment on the development of a NEPA compliance strategy for new source coal mining activity in the western Kentucky coal field 1984
Assessing potential effects of incinerating hazardous wastes at sea : using research to answer management questions / 1987
Assessing Potential Effects of Incinerating Organic Wastes at Sea: Using Research to Answer Management Questions. 1988
Background document for modification of pH effluent limitations guidelines and standards for point sources required by NPDES permit to monitor continuously effluent pH. 1980
BACT/LACER Clearinghouse: A Compilation of Control Technology Determinations. Appendix G. Volume 2. Source Type Codes 6.0-12.0. 1983
BACT/LAER (Best Available Control Technology/Lowest Achievable Emission Rate) Clearinghouse: A Compilation of Control Technology Determinations. First Supplement to 1985 Edition. Summary Tables and Appendices A-G. 1986
BACT/LAER (Best Available Control Technology/Lowest Achievable Emission Rate) Clearinghouse: A Compilation of Control Technology Determinations. Volume 1. Summary Tables and Appendices A-F. 1984
BACT/LAER (Best Available Control Technology/Lowest Achievable Emission Rate) Clearinghouse: A Compilation of Control Technology Determinations. Volume 1. Summary Tables and Appendices A-F. Final Report. 1985
BACT/LAER (Best Available Control Technology/Lowest Achievable Emission Rate) Clearinghouse: A Compilation of Control Technology Determinations. Volume 2A. Appendix G. Source Type Codes 1.0-4.0. 1985
BACT/LAER (Best Available Control Technology/Lowest Achievable Emission Rate) Clearinghouse: A Compilation of Control Technology Determinations. Volume 2B. Appendix G. Source Type Codes 6.0-12.0. 1984
BACT/LAER (Best Available Control Technology/Lowest Achievable Emission Rate) Clearinghouse: A Compilation of Control Technology Determinations. Volume 2C. Appendix G. Source Type Codes 8.0-12.0. 1985
BACT/LAER (Best Available Control Technology/Lowest Achievable Emission Rate) Clearinghouse: A Compilation of Control Technology Determinations: Volume 2B. Appendix G. Source Type Codes 5.0-7.0. 1985
BACT/LAER clearinghouse / 1984
BACT/LAER Clearinghouse: A Compilation of Control Technology Determinations. Appendix G. Volume 1. Source Type Codes 1.0-5.0. 1983
Baywide conventional pollutants control strategy : an agreement commitment report / 1988
Before the United States Atomic Energy Commission docket no. 50 in the matter of Consumers Power Company : application for reactor construction permit and operating license for the Midland Plant Units nos. 1 and 2. 0
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