Full Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Computer Study of the Koh-Chang Model for Dredged Material Disposal.
Author Teeter, A. M. ; Johnson, B. H. ;
CORP Author Corvallis Environmental Research Lab., OR. Marine and Freshwater Ecology Branch. ;Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. Hydraulcs Lab.
Year Published 1979
Report Number EPA/600/3-79/027;
Stock Number PB-292 555
Additional Subjects Solid waste disposal ; Mathematical models ; Dredging ; Spoil ; Dredges ; Pipelines ; Barges ; Environmental impacts ; Water pollution ; Computer programming ; Performance evaluation ; Computerized simulation ; Dredged materials ; Dredge spoil ; Dredged material disposal ; Koh-Chang model
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-292 555 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 133p
Abstract This report is on a computer study of the Koh-Chang model for physical fate prediction in dredge material disposal. This computer model can simulate three discharge methods: instantaneous bottom release, jet discharge, and discharge into a wake. Convective descent, dynamic collapse or bottom encounter, and long term diffusion phases of waste behavior are considered. Simulation results are most sensitive to variations in convective entrainment and form drag coefficients in the bottom dump method. In the jet method, the model is most sensitive to convective entrainment and cloud gradient coefficients. Model analysis on a single discharge opening with the results superimposed to represent the entire discharge is often necessary. The model is applied to five field situations for pipeline, hopper dredge, and bottom opening scow. Insufficient field data are available for validation. Modifications to the model have been made by COE-WES and EPA-CERL subsequent to this study.
Supplementary Notes Portions of this document are not fully legible. Prepared in cooperation with Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS. Hydraulics Lab.
PUB Date Free Form Mar 79
Category Codes 13B; 9B; 68D
NTIS Prices PC A07/MF A01
Primary Description 600/02
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 323758498
Origin NTIS
Type CAT