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Main Title Assessment of Optimization Techniques as Applied to Water Resource Systems.
Author Dracu, John A. ; Mobasher, Fereidoun ; Cardena, Miguel A. ;
CORP Author Environmental Dynamics Inc., Los Angeles, Calif.
Year Published 1970
Report Number DI-14-01-0001-1996; OWRR-X-103(1996); 02878,; X-103(1996)(1)
Stock Number PB-196 361
Additional Subjects ( Water resources ; Optimization) ; ( Management planning ; Water resources) ; Systems analysis ; Water storage ; Ground water ; Hydrology ; Hydraulic equipment ; Desalting ; Water quality ; Control ; Reviews ; Bibliographies ; Synthetic hydrology
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-196 361 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 180p
Abstract The research undertaken in the use of Optimization Techniques in the analysis of water resources systems is assessed. The most significant research in five important areas is covered; hydrologic systems; surface water storage and conveyance systems; ground water and conjunctive ground water systems; water quality control systems; and desalination systems. The areas of modeling and data management as they apply to water resources are discussed. The significant water resources problems to which researchers in systems analysis have addressed their efforts and the historic development of the use of system analysis techniques in each of these areas is presented. (Author)
PUB Date Free Form Aug 70,
Category Codes 8H; 5A; 52I; 60I; 64H
NTIS Prices PC A09 MF A01
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 326514865
Origin NTIS
Type CAT