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Main Title Introduction to probability models /
Author Ross, Sheldon M.
Publisher Academic Press,
Year Published 2003
OCLC Number 51876627
ISBN 0125980558 (acid-free paper); 9780125980555 (acid-free paper); 0125980612(pbk); 9780125980616(pbk)
Subjects Probabilities ; Waarschijnlijkheidstheorie ; Toepassingen ; Probabilidade ; Theorie des probabilites ; Processus stochastique ; Waarschijnlijkheidstheorie--gtt ; Toepassingen--gtt ; Probabilidade--larpcal ; Probabilites
Internet Access
Description Access URL
Publisher description http://catdir.loc.gov/catdir/description/els031/2002111025.html
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EKDM  QA273.R84 2003 CEMM/EPD Library/Athens,GA 10/22/2012 STATUS
ELBM  QA273.R84 2003 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 08/31/2007
Edition 8th ed.
Collation xvii, 755 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Notes "International edition"--Cover. Includes bibliographical references and index.
Contents Notes 1. Introduction to probability theory -- 2. Random variables -- 3. Conditional probability and conditional expectation -- 4. Markov chains -- 5. The exponential distribution and the Poisson process -- 6. Continuous time Markov chains -- 7. Renewal theory and its applications -- 8. Queueing theory -- 9. Reliability theory -- 10. Brownian motion and stationary processes -- 11. Simulation. This revised and updated text introduces readers to the application probability theory to phenomena in fields such as engineering, computer science, management and actuarial science, the physical and social sciences, and operations research. It contains exercises and worked examples.
Place Published San Diego, CA
PUB Date Free Form c2003
BIB Level m
Cataloging Source OCLC/T
LCCN 2002111025
Merged OCLC records 50652834
OCLC Time Stamp 20121018155229
Language eng
Origin OCLC
Type CAT
OCLC Rec Leader 02668cam 22005894a 45020